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My tips page

this is my page of tips. These tips are only for goalies

Keys to good Skating

Skates that fit
Skates that are sharpened just the way you like them.
We talked about equipment last time, so you know how
important equipment is to a goalie.
Your skates are the most important piece of equipment.
Equipment that fits.
Smaller and lighter might be better for beginners- especially if you are young and not facing hard shots.
Balance and leg strength go hand in hand.
The fitter and stronger your legs are, the longer you’ll be able to hold the ready position.
Work on leg strength.

Angles: Tips to becoming better at angles

Focus: Play the puck, not the man. Playing the man is something your defensemen should do. Your focus must be the puck.
Choosing the right line: Line the puck up with the middle of your body (belly button) and center of the net. In other words, if you where to pull a sting out from the middle of the net, it would pass through the middle of your body directly to the puck. "When I’m on my game and my angles are good I stop a lot of pucks with my stomach. That tells me I’m on line, my angles are good, and I’m square to the shooter."
Judge Distance: A goalie can significantly reduce the amount of net a shooter can see by coming out of the net and challenging the shooter. "My general rule is to play at the top of the crease. The better you are at judging where you are relative to the net and shooter, the more you can come out to cut the angle down." Here again, your skating ability and agility play key roles. The better you can skate and move laterally, the further out of the net you can play.

Angel Drills

Freeze Drill: Spread 4 or 5 pucks out in a semi-circle around the front of the net at varying distances. Number each puck 1 through 5. Have the coach call out a number and you instantly must move to address the puck in your ready position and freeze. From that position the coach can see if you have taken the right angle.
Things to ask yourself: Am I square to the shooter? Did I come out too far? Am I out far enough? Can I get back in the net in time to get a rebound or react to a pass? Do I feel comfortable? Strings on Posts: Attach strings to the net, where the goal posts and cross bars meet. Pull the stings out to the puck until the strings are fully extended. Now have the goalie slowly move forward inside the triangle, until both strings are touching the goalie. Goalie should be in the ready position. You have just effectively demonstrated angles and the importance of challenging the shooter.

This really helped me game.
Things to ask yourself: Am I in my ready position? Can I get back to my net if I need too? How could the puck get through me to the net? When should I start to back up if the shooter decides not to shoot?

Good luck and Play hard!
