Family Photo Album

Family Photo Album

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© September 2001 - Clyde E. Pearce

Lost Lake, summer of 2001

Clyde and Fran hiked to this lake, 14 miles. Unfortunately, it was also the day of a competitative run with over 700 participants which slowed our progress a bit. One and one-half hours south of Anchorage on highway to Seward.

© August 2001 - Clyde E. Pearce

Clyde and Fran, Johnson Pass - The Pass

We hiked a few miles past here to the lake before turning around. Photo taken by a group of bikers who were resting at the top. Total distance is 24 miles, and it takes about an hour to get to the trailhead from Anchorage.

© Summer 2001 - Clyde E. Pearce

Tony Knowles Trail

© April 2002 - Clyde E. Pearce

Gull Rock Trail, Hope, Alaska

Fran on the trail that we walk in the spring every year. It is on the way to Gull Rock, from Hope. This year we didn't get very far (two miles) due to late lingering snow on the trail. Turnagain Arm is the body of water in the background.
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