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*&^%$#@!_.-.HeY EvErYbOdYz.-._!@#$%^&*

It'Z dUkE n' Ed HeRe AnD wElCoMe To OuR hUmBlE aBoDe DiS hErE iS oUr PaInT sHoPpE, iF yOu WaNt To BeCoMe A pAiNtEr, LoCaTe OnE oF tHe LiStEd PaInTeRs AnD aSk ThEm. SHoUtS, ChIck: YoUr ThE bEsT tHiNg In Da WoRlD tO mE. DuKe: BuD, bRo, ThAnX fOr BeIn ThErE. TiGeR: uNdErStAnDiNg aLl My PrObLeMs, ThAnX a BuNcH. SuMmEr: My bAbEz!!! PrEz: Da BeSt GuY iN dA wOrLd, CaTz: Ur CoO. BoOkMaRk DiS pLaCe, I bE uPdAtInG iT lOtS!!


1. Do NoT iM tHe PaInTeRs

2.KeEp GeStUrEs To A mInImUm

3. sCrOlLiNg Is NoT aLlOwEd

4. If YoU lEaVe BeFoRe YoUr PaInTiNg Is DoNe, ThE pAiNtEr'S wIlL eRaSe It

5. Be PaItIeNt, GiVe ThE pAiNtErS tImE tO dO tHeRe BeSt JoB

6. If YoU dOn'T lIkE yOuR pAiNtInG, nOtIfY tHe PaInTeR.

NoTe: Painters and List Keepers are wanted



Top Painter/Page Creator



MoRe PaInTeRs AnD lIsTkEePeRs WaNtEd!!


My BaBeZ kIcK aSs pAgE

BuD's PaGe

My FrIeNdS pAgE

BaCkGrOuNdS & aNd TuBeS (GrEaT FoR BeGiNiNg PaInTeRs)

SoMe PrEtTy GoOd Av'S

GrEaT PuNtErS aNd PrOgGiEz

My PoEmS (ChEcK iT oUt)

E-mAiL mE

Wicked Creations

Me!!(a.k.a. Ed_na_congsted_era)I am in the middle with the shades on, I live in Petaluma Ca, I am 12 and in this picture i am playing my saxophone for a advanced band. I am going into 7th Grade for Kenilworth Jr. High and so far it's cool, I like to play lots of sports and stuff, IM me, i have lots more to tell :o), i also have ICQ and AIM.