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Reffing for the beginners

Ok peoplez there is a lot of examples for this one cause its better to show than to explain, its easier and you don't have to read diz fwing over and over ta get it! lolz. 1. To ref you must get the stats of all the fighters that want to battle each other. Sometimes its best to send your stats through Private message to the ref, because you can fool your opponent if you are strong and easily win a battle, but you can also send it out freely in the chat ^^. Herez sum examplez fo duh lost peoplez lak meh @.@ lolz.:
(Anybody who iz duh ref):Ok whoever has their stats first send them to me, but one at a time please.
Fighter 1:ok
Fighter 1:(These are in private) PL:100,000, ST:500, SP:500, INT:500, HP:5,000, Items: blah blah blah (anything you want to use in the battle, or any type of armor your going to use for protection.)
Person whoz reffing:ok I got Fighter 1# now send me yours Fighter 2. (or if there are numerous players then they will be selected randomly)
Fighter 2:(These are in privatePL:100,000,ST:500,SP: 500,INT:500,HP:5,000,Items:yadda yadda blah blah ect.. (same az up der any item you wanna use in duh fight).
Person whos reffing:Go Fighter 1. 2.To decide who goes first in the fight is determined on there Intel: (Intelligence) and if those are the same go by who has the higher HP.And if they both have the same of that pick a numberbetween 1-10.