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~PnoY'z HomEpAgE~

Yo Yo WelComE TuH MuH WebPaGe In HeRe I'll HaVe StUff AbouT Me n' OtHeR StuFF HOpE U LiKe MuH StuFF AigHt!!! KnoW I'll C Ya aT DuH NeXt UpDatE AigHt DeN LatErZ =) AlsO SigN MuH GueSt BooK PlZ

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LasT UpdaTeD 2/14/99


TodAy Iz

MuH bAnnEr uP AbOvE Aint It KewL ^_^

~WayZ TuH ConTaCt Me^_^~

~PlaCeS In MuH PaGe N' sTuFF LiKe DaT~

<--StUff AbOut Me-->
~SomE PiCtuReZ Of Me n' SomE ReLatIvEz~
~ShoUt OutS~
~SuM LinKz N StuFF~
~AziAn DraWiNgZ~
~AniMe~ ^_^
