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The Dream Has Ended.....

Years ago I encountered a coven of various people who in latter years became my friends through correspondence over this world wide web. Eight years later I am forced to remove my visions and tear down this website due to lack of intrest on my behalf. To all those wonderful people who made a mark within my life... There are too many of you to mention on a personal level, but believe me when I say I will remember you guys for what you've given me, a very wild and vivid imagination as well as everlasting friendship that no one will understand. Since Yahoo! chat's closing I have decided to end my journey and simply give up what little game I had left. Good luck in life and I hope to run into each of you sometime in the future, god willing.

To the many people in my real life... I still have so much to learn which is why turning my back on all this is very important at this moment. God knows my life has been nothing but a whirl wind roller coaster these past three years, and so far it has been a pleasurable but trying ride. From the loves of my life, the affairs, and the friendships I have learned to not only deal, but to accept things for what it has to be. I regret nothing, but damn do I love the trouble I have caused.. Love to those who deserve, and to hell with those who cant handle.
