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Hello psy friend we had some @-mail problems and we have fix them now but the adres had to be changed to are sorry for this .

The off-shore workout
So what can we say about our off-shore workout only that the ship still floots after this workout mabye next time will sink it psy friend.The foto's of the off-shore will be posted on the psy picture page before the end of this millenium and there are again some really psychedelic pictures taken by friends . As you can see we are making some changes on our sites and making them millenium party proof,but if you already wanna look at what is happening,or still don't really now what to do on THE 31 OF DECEMBER HERE IS A PSY TIP!!!!!!!!

If you want to dance the psychodelic into the new millenium!!
(Fast connection cable)

If you have a slow connection less or 56k
Use this link

9lifes of hofmann what's that??
We are psychedelic party organisation that play's all the different kind of psychedelic tunes there are around. Also we make a lot's of psy_deco,you'll find them all on our webpages. We are 4 psy_freaks that hope together with our psychedelic guests and friends to create the best PSYCHEDELIC VIBES!!!!!
The spirit of hofmann
  • Have fun!!!
  • TRANCE!!!!
  • AND DANCE!!!!
  • With FRIENDS!!!!

  • SpInnInG ViNnIe.** 9lifes of hofmann

  • SaCid. ** 9lifes of hofmann

  • GloWyRuI. ** 9lifes of hofmann

  • Caesar. ** 9lifes of hofmann

  • ShambaLa. ** 9lifes of hofmann

  • L=D2.** Childeren of the fluor forest.

  • Ido Alloro.**9Lifes of hofmann

  • Shitaki.** Surya inc.

  • Nilis.**Empathy.

  • Tintal.**Empathy.

  • Bart.**Empathy.

  • Satyr.**

  • Mork.**
  • Hofmann_index

    For bookings and if you want to be on or mailing list or jou have tips about locations or what ever. Just send us a @_mail and you will recieve al the info about it . We also like to thankx all the people that where on our party's this summer and thankx to the people of,Empathy Realisations and The childeren of the fluor forest and everybody else that helped us making it happen !!!

    MaY ThE PsYcHoDeLiC Be WiTh YoU !!!

    ______________________ ______________________

    Please come back and visit again!