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Welcome to the world of the Tegstar

About Me

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Latin Dance

Welcome to my Website

Welcome, Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Bienvenido

Thank you for taking the time to visit, My name's Zak, and I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. I have designed my homepage to be easy to read, and full of interesting stuff. In-case your wondering, the title 'TegstarDelux' is my nick name on the Forum. Feel free to look around my site.

Latest News - 08/04/2002

I have a performance at the "Loaded Hog" (Manchester St. Chch) next Thursday performing the "Charn" a brazilian dance about being naughty and the consequences in 9 months time. You get the picture. Also am looking forward to going with my bro to Queenstown at the end of this week and seeing our good friend Emma which will rock! One wish i truly have is that the Palestinians/Israeli's sort their shit out. Sadly it looks like it's going down the toilet. Anyway til next time, have a good one and catch ya's soon


Hey hey.How y'all doin? Yeah i've been slack, but i've also bin real busy too. Uni is pretty hard at the moment, especially Computer Science! but i'll get it in the end. I'm on holidays for 3 weeks (YAY!) but i'll still be doing studies etc. Hope life is treating you great, out there in cyberspace :-) over and out!


Well, January is nearly over (already!) Time goes so fast when your havin' fun. I've posted another page (Dance), hope you find it interesting. Also I had my birthday on the 21st (23!!) I feel old hehe. I'm practising hard for my next performance on the 14th of Feb for the Loaded Hog, so if your in Chch, come along, and check it!

I know you like to watch, go on, have a look at my guest book :P

You know you want to sign my guestbook, Go on, i promise not to tell ;)