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G.I. Joe is the code name for America's daring, highly trained special mission force, it's purpose to protect human freedom against Cobra, a ruthless, terrorist organization determined to rule the world.

The Page to End All Pages

Whut up? I am down to my last few months in the Army!!! I can hardly wait! I have done my time for King and Country, it is time for my life to get movin' on.

  1. My Bud got dicked over in the Army....
  2. I am still alive, with killaz and diseases running rampant that is quite a feat!
  3. I am down to the wire!
I have no idea what is to become of me... I want to stay in, but I wanna get out!!! There are a lot of self indulgent assholes in the Army that make me sick!!! What to do... what to do? On a brighter note I turn 23 on the 30th!!! Gimme stuff!

Parts of my page:

The Small Unit Support Vehicle, (SUSV), in Action! Yo Joe! Transformers


My short bio My favorite month and a little more about me...

A short tale of an angry GI John My little slice o' life

Michelle Chicks Page!

Holy Batpage, Batman Danzig! Fargo...

My favorite links...

DARKSITES, the people who started it all... or some junk.
Review My Site This is your chance to talk mad shit or give me the praise only you feel I so deserve.

Tina the Troubled Teen A Quote

Email me, if you dare!

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Page last messed with on: 28 OCT 01
Took my ass long enough!

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