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Have you ever been to the bank and couldn't cash a check because the computer was down? Now magnify that problem for your bank account, brokerage account, savings account, loan payments, credit cards, the stock market, the commodities market, and the gold/silver transactions.

Can you Imagine every form of electronic money being affected. Your 401K account would be in jeopardy. Your company or employer would have trouble with your paycheck. Your retirement account would be in trouble. Anything stored in a computer would potentially be disturbed, not accessible, or worse yet, lost.

"Can't Happen", you say. You had better think again because computer experts around the world are sounding the alarm as fast as anyone will listen. Alarm bells are going off in many government agencies about the impending computer system failure including the IRS, the Social Security Administration, the Department of Defense and the FAA Air Traffic Control system, to list only a few. Every transportation system using computers to schedule and operate planes, trains and trucks are very concerned. The electric companies, public utilities and gas companies fear they will lose records and automatic operations. Emergency services such as police, fire and medical are not sure what will happen. Experts say it will be a nightmare! Is this the great Tribulation talked about in the Bible? Maybe. But surely it is the collapse of our technological house of cards. It is called Y2K-the year 2,000 computer problem.

Whoa! Wait a minute. I thought the doomsdayers were all right wing, extremist,fundamentalist, religious crazies who don't trust the government, home school their children and flaunt their second ammendment rights. Who is making all these dire predictions? Who is telling us we are about to suffer dire callamity worse than the great depression? Who is telling us to get our money out of the banks? Who is saying store up food and find allternative light, power, and fuel? Is it people expecting the second coming of Christ? Maybe, but mostly it is the computer experts who understand how networked computer systems will fail on or before January 1, 2000 at 12:01 a.m. They are saying "We can't fix it all." It is computer Scientists who say the deadline cannot be moved.It is high Tech people who are going through the classic process of an approaching disaster. Now that I have your attention, My name is Mike Martin and my only desire here is to make you aware of what could and probably will happen, it is ultimately up to you to do what you will. It is my intention only to inform. On this page are links to what I consider to be true representation of what the next Millenium will hold. Be your own judge. But whatever the cost BE PREPARED!



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