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The Shire of White Tail Hollow

You find yourself standing in a long passageway through the woods. All around you tall trees stand up, blocking your view of anything more than a few yards. Infront of you an archway of trees forms a sort on entrance way to the only clearing in the whole wood. Houses are built up, markets and halls. People walk the roads freely and some pass by you as they exit the city on their errands. The whole land has a feeling of peace, and noone brings malice. Even though you've never been here before, it still feels like home. Suddenly a cry fills the valley, and through the trees bursts a dragon of magnificant size. A horn blows and all the people run to take up arms and prepare themselves for the onslaught. Welcome to the lands of White Tail Hollow. Lands full of mystery, peace, and war. Prepare to leave yourself behind, but bring your imagination. You'll need it.

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