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The Ultimate Cow Page!!!!!

HI all you crazy cows out there!!!!!!!!!!! Last updated 3/21/00....FINALLY!Im so sorry all my guys and girlies!!I was just too into my AOL and forgetting my password to get back to angelfire! I, hope that you enjoy my page. I love them! It may seem very odd, but, cows will be cows!I am not obsessed with cows..I just love cows! Just think..if you were a cow....oh!I can't think of what might happen to you! OK,OK we've had our laughs..see...HAHAHAHAHA!HAHAHAHAHA! Now it's time for you, yes you to see my webpage! Be cool, don't kill cows!!!!:) Bovine is the real name for cows, of course. They are very good at um......grazing!!!! Yes, I know. They graze, they get milked and then graze again. The cow is a very interesting mammal. Have you seen "Oreo" cows before?(my name for them. They have black, then white, then black again. Funny. huh? Cows are nothing like horses, chickens or sheep. They are civilized(not to say horses aren't. They peacefully graze...UNTIL SOMEONE COMES AND SLAUGHTERS THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not blaming anyone... FARMERS....I just want it to be heard. America's farming has gone all wrong!!!!!!Mad Cow Disease!Think of the poor cows!!!!!! Yes, think of the poor cows. Cows are good, Cows are great. People are disrespectful to our cows. We have to rise above the people who hate cows! We will prevail!!!!!!!!! This is not a plea, this is very informative and these are my opinions on my cows!!!!!!!!Thanx very much:). As you can see cows are really important. My friend has a bumper sticker that says "I love animals...They're delicious!" Now, this might seem funny to all of you out is. But, animals are used for food products(as everyone knows:. HA!Who are you to laugh at me?! I am very very very very very very protective of my cows. Let "MOOOOOOOOO" ring! "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"

Here is a list of things that cow's die from: actinomycosis, blackleg, bovine spongiform encephalopathy, cattle fever, cowpox, foot rot, foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease, nagana, Q fever, toxpoplasmosis, tuberculosis, undulant fever, wet mange. All these were found in Encarta Encyclopedia 98. Now you see why we HAVE to protect all of the world's cows. It is very very very easy for people to take advantage of them. Goat's too. Where will we get milk? Think of all the poor cow's, as well as YOU!!!! This is a very serious issue!Really! Cow's, cow's wonderful cow's! They are wonderful, you just have to get to know them first!!!!!:):O) I have here, Mr. Cow(the great) he spies, he gives messages, and is virtually known everywhere! So, Mr. Cow, HOw do you feel about the U.S. today? "I can't believe what they are doing to calfs! Killing them for 'Veal' It disgusts me!" SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHWOOOOOOO......HUH? What was that? Where'd Mr. COw go? UP, he must have gone back into one of the barns across the U.S.(in hiding. OH WELL. Lemme here you say "MR. CO-OOOW" yEaH! tHaT's WhAt I LiKe! Here's our sing-a-long, 1 and a 2 and a 3...SING!: Mr. Cow, Cow, Mr. Black and White Cow, please moo for me!! THat was SSSSSUUUUUPPPPEEERRRRRBBBB! Very good for your first time! BON!(that's french for GOOD!) D'accord(OK) let's see, "HELLO! YES IT IS THE ONE, THE ONLY MR. COW(THE GREAT) I COME TO TELL YOU MY SECRET PLAN IS ALMOST IN EFFECT, IF I CAN JUST GET...." WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH! HUH? where'd he go. HMMMMMMM.......probably back into hiding, if only we knew what he needs to get....hmmm...oh well , until next time webpeoples! You know what is very ironic?That there can not be a Mr. Cow, cause all cows are female and bulls are male!AHH!Oh no!ok ok we'll pretend that Mr. Cow is just special! I have a Cow Fiction Page, totally WACKY stories...:) that hasn't been updated in awhile but oh well!Well here i am again, as cowwy as ever! have a nice day webpeople!

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