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Dreamlog entry:

"I remember riding a bicycle. I was young. I do not recall seeing myself as a child. The bicycle seemed small. I was riding along this path. It was a thin dirt path carved out amongst the green grass. It was spring.

I was riding up a small hill. It was difficult to peddle, but not frustrating or exhausting. There were small animals biting at my pant legs. Again I did not feel threatened or tired. I was happy. It was a glorious day.

The next thing I recall is that I am in a bathroom, my hands are muddy and I want to rinse them. As I attempt to turn the shower on a man walks in. He is familure in appearance. I remember looking at him and thinking to myself-I too will be that tall someday. Next-I am lying in bed. I began to fade out of my dream and into what I thought was the transition between conscious and unconsciousness. I told myself not to wake, that I was dreaming. Things became clear again and then out of focus. I told myself to gaze around the room. Not to stare at any one particular thing, but to stabelize myself and remain in control. I cannot recall exactly what I gazed at but I felt my eyes rolling about my head. I then said to myself that I should levitate or fly.

From a lying down position I began to float into the middle space of this room. The bed had vanished. I was in mid-air, arms and legs spread. I then spoke out loud saying-flip over. Suddenly I was staring at the floor. I then decided to get to something more interesting. I turned back over facing the ceiling. I then took the ceiling away and was looking out into infinite space. I could see the stars, thousands-millions of them, shining aboveand around me. I was floating in space.

I then focused my attention upon the cluster of stars and I pushed them into one blob of light in the center of this darkness, which soon changed back to the ceiling. There eas a light fixture in the center. It was omiting strands of electricity, glowing blue and changing shape. I then raised my hands out in front of my body toward the ceiling. I focused my hands on this 'ball of energy' and grabbed it with both hands. With all my strength I pulled the ball in to my chest. I felt a powerful blast of exiliration."

I then awoke and wrote down these exact words. M.Mckennedy 1998

