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Updated: Official Site of the One Lord One Faith Missionary Baptisit Church

Official Site of the
One Lord One Faith Missionary Baptist Church

Chicago, Il 60644 (773) 287- 3383
Praise & Worship | Champions for Christ | Mother's Ministry | Pastoral Ministry |Deacons Ministry| Pastor's Page | Television Ministry | Usher Ministry | Webservant |The Living Free Ministry |Marriage Ministry |Children's Choir | Levitical Ministry |Favorite Sites |

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You can call 1-877-BLESSED for more information regarding our church. Put in the pin number 00063 at the prompt.

"I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" Phillippians 4:13

Please join us on July 29, 2001 for Homecoming Day. One Lord One Faith is a bible teaching church that incorporates the teachings of Jesus Christ into our everyday lives. Please take a moment to view the various ministries on this site.

Feel free to drop us a line or two and let us know what your thoughts are regarding our Ministry


days until 'Homecoming Day!

Christian Sites

Black Gospel
Gospel Plays
Global Christian Network
Gospel Singing
Bobby Jones Gospel

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