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Hey! Welcome to my page! This is just one of those pages that people come to when they're bored. It makes you wonder....Anywho (that was dumb) I think you should check out my ebonics dictionary...I think its really phat! Plus, I'm gonna need your help too. You know, to get this site up and running. I've been trying my hardest to promote it. Just e-mail me any suggestions. Okay...back tot he *Nsync businiess. I know you all are looking for a fun, fact filled(hehehe) page or something...and here it is. Oh yeah. There is this really funny story, I believe I recieved it from a girl...I don't know the name, sorry girl. But she had some real funny storys I decided to post on my site. I wasnt you all to realize that I have nothing against *Nsync, after all...why would I make a webpage dedicated to them...Its just plain old fun. I think. Well if you have anything against my webpage...just leave. I know that sounds kind of rude and all., but if you have a weak heart you better leave or you will be hurt. Ok. Thats all for now. I'll check in later with more info!CYA & PEACE OUT!****IMPORTANT****MY E-MAIL ADDY IS NOT DOSER((@PRODIGY.NET! IT IS DOSER99@PRODIGY.NET******NOTICE THE 99 instead of ((!!!!!!!!********** Okay here is a really weird quiz.You must take it!

Cool stuff! SCORE!!!!
