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WCW vs. nWo Revenge


Cruiserweight Tricks

While wrestling in any match as a cruiserweight wrestler, especially against a heavyweight, you can surprise opponents in many ways. If the person you're facing is out of the ring, then run at the ropes, and when reaching them, hit the control stick to do a sideways flip between the ropes. Also, while running, tap R as Rey Mysterio Jr. to do a cartwheel instead of a roll. The cruiserweights also have more specials, and can surprise the heavier guys like Nash, Hogan, and, the best of the best, DDP. The cruiserweights have fast, quick, risky, high-flying moves that are extremely impressive See which one is right for you.

Turnbuckle Desperation Move

Don't you hate getting thrown into the turnbckle and then the other guy doing a painful turnbuckle move to you, well is all over all you have to do is press the "A" button before you hit the turn buckle and you save yourself. If your a cruiserwieght your guy will grab the turn buckle through himself in the air over the opponent. Anybody else will turn around at the last second a stick out his foot. This may take some practice but it will work.

Enter Battle Royal at Any Time
By: Ray Davison [VIA N64CC]

When playing in a battle royal, and someone is eliminated just press the Z button on the third or fourth controler to take control of the new opponent when he enters the ring.

By: Neal Casper [VIA N64CC]

When you are knocked down, and you are starting to get up, hold R and C-Down to duck. You can stay in that position for about 8 seconds or you can either grab your opponent by tapping A or you can hit your opponent by tapping B.

Wrath As Playable Character

(You must have a gameshark for this code to work.)

Enter the gameshark code: 	890F9D36 0240
    			890F9D60 42B4
    			8107E8B2 0403

Select any wrestler and he will be Wrath and now win any belt with Wrath. Now that Wrath is the champion win the belt back with any wrestler and it will say that you have known unlocked a secret character. You can know play as Wrath without the gameshark.(Some of the moves are very glitchy)


  1. Enter the gameshark code to play as Wrath.
  2. Select any wrestler and he will be Wrath.
  3. Win any belt (U.S. Champ for example) with Wrath.
  4. Now select a different wrestler (Raven for example)
  5. Now have Raven win the U.S. beltand he will fight Wrath for the belt.
  6. After winning the belt Wrath is now a playable character.

To get the world belt spraypainted
By: W2000DDP

Win the heavyweight with anyone representing nWo white.

Take Off Manager's Cloths
By: G.I JOE (

To take off manergers clothing At the end when player is to tired go to the manager and hold left C right C up C and bottem C and that time you have to press Z and A. That is were they show up rapped.


Go outside the ring go over to the graud rail and hit the C-UP BUTTON you should get a weapon go back in to the ring with the weapon hit your opponont a cupple of times then pin him consesivel and after three or four times you will win.

( Note works good with big guys Like Goldberg)

Do A Low Blow/Desperation Move
By: Sick Boy (

Let the opposing wrestler execute any move on you. When you are getting up hold R and press and hold B and you will do a low blow.

Note: Some peole do a drop kick, clothesline, minuature spear. This is fun to do on friends

Win a Battle Royal Very Easily
By: Daniel Bagnall and Michael Smith (Via: N64CC)

1.First set up the battle royal with whatever you want but set the battle royal to:

1 player          computer 
2 player          computer 

2.Then when you start the battle royal, Pause the game with controller 1 and take out controller 2.
3. Insert controller 2 into player 3 or 4's controller socket and unpause it.
4. Wait 5 seconds so you can move the computer around then pause it again and swith controller 2 back to the 2nd controller socket.
5.When you unpause the game then repeat the steps 1-4 except on the opposite computer player(if you first did socket 3 then do socket 4)
6. If you did it properly the computer players won't ever move again in that battle royal (it is especially useful on the hard difficulty setting).

Cool LWO outfit for Ultimo Dragon

When you go to pick Ultimo Dragon you can make him where a outfit that makes him look like he's part of the LWO. All you have to do is when picking him press c-right once and start. He will be wearing the LWO colors.

Managers With Weapons

If you were excited about playable managers, then get ready! To get managers with weapons, go to exibition mode and select single match. Then choose your character as anyone you want. But for the computer oponent, select a character with a manager. As the match starts, instead of fighting, step out of the ring and throw your oponents manager into one of the doorways(in the Nitro or Superbrawl arenas.) It might take a couple of tries, but eventually the manager should come running out with a weapon in his hands! Well good luck!

Silver Belts
By: Sting21

To get silver belts in W.C.W./n.W.o. Revenge go through the intro until you see Hollywood Hogan with a microphone press A and then go to Championship and the belts will be in silver. (I think it looks better)

Forever Pin For Han Zo Man
By: Ted Wojtkowiak (

This trick will let you pin someone forever in a tag-team match. First go to a tag team match for two players. Have one of the players Pick Han Zo Man. Put the settings on tag format. Get Han Zo Man to be outside the ring and get him up to special. Then when the sign GET IN pops up go in the ring and do your special move to your other opponent who is also outside the ring. When Han Zo Man does his pinning special he will stay in it forever! unless you get off or kick him.

Spray Paint the World Heavyweight Belt

To spraypaint the the world heavyweight belt win the belt with anyone from the nWo Hollywood group and win the world heavyweight belt with them. Then when you go see them with the belt on in the championship mode he will be wearing the belt with spraypainted letters nWo. (It looks best on Hollywood Scum Hogan)

Do Opponents Ground Grapple
By: ~Lord+Deimos~ (

When you gain special knock your opponent down and move next to his head and press the A & B buttons at the same time and you should do your opponents ground hold. Its pretty cool. (Works with mostly all wrestlers)

Slide To The Outside Of The Ropes
By: Brian Pierson

To slide outside of the ropes, but not down all the way to the mat outside of the ring, you have to do this: First, you have to run at the ropes. Then you press Up-C. Your wrestler will then tumble under the ropes to the outside, other than having to climb over the ropes and waist time. It works the same way from the outside of the ring, but you don't tumble onto the apron, you jump up there. (Note: This is especially good if you're in a hurry for those high flying moves off the turnbuckles)

Get Out of Pins/Submissions
By: JCPerezXIV (

When an opponent pins you, all you have to do is move the joystick around. Same goes with a submission. This works no matter how beat up you are. This is a great tactic to win matches.

Change A Wrestler(s) Uniform
By: Steve Bohr (

Now watch the movie at the begining and the wrestler(s) will have on the new uniform you gave him!

The Five Special Attacks
By: MJ

When your spirit bar is flashing "Special" you can do five powerful special moves! Here's a list on how to do them:

1. Face the front your opponent, do a strong grapple, tap the joystick.
2. Face the back of your opponent, do a strong grapple, tap the joystick.
3. Face the front of your opponent a, do a strong grapple, press A&B to do his move.
4. Throw your opponent into one of the corners of the ring, go over to him, do a strong grapple and tap the joystick.
5. Get a strong grapple on your opponent and throw him into the ropes. When he bounces back tap the joystick.

Some characters can only do three of these (#1,#2,&#3).

Turn the Belts Grey
By: Adam, Matt, James, "Wrestling Rap Guy", and MATMAN3003

Watch the intro at the beginning of the game. When you see Giant, Hogan, a Bishoff talking on a black and white screen press A. Then go to the championship mode and the belts are grey!

Spray Paint "nWo" on World Heavyweight Belt
By: Tim J (

When you get the World Heavyweight Belt with Hogan, the belt has "nWo" spraypainted on it.

Do Your Opponent's Submission Finisher
By: Mike Johnson (

If you have a special and you are fighting against someone with a finisher such as the Scorpion Death Lock or Tequilla Sunrise, Rings of Saturn etc. and stand where they would normally do it from and tap A+B at the same time and voila, your opponents submission Finisher.

Cool Outfit Trick

During the opening of the game each wrestlers clothing can be changed, all you do is go to Change Costum on the main menu and change the wrestler(s) first costum to which ever costum you chose. Next reset the game and watch the opening and you should see the wrestler's costum has been changed. For example if you put a NWO RED AND BLACK shirt on Hulk Hogan it would appear on Hulk Hogan during the opening.

Mad Managers
By: and Mortis (

Will managers fight back?.... of course they will. If you want the opposing manager to fight you, attack him. When you do it enough he will raise his hands as if to fight. When you throw your opponent outside, the manager will come in. If you want your mangager to take a shot at you just hit him. He will punch you and raise his hands as if to say I'm sorry. Women managers will also fight back! Just beat on them for a while, and they too will fight back, with slaps to the face, kicks to the nads, and some other attacks.

Simple Way to Win Challenges
By: The Hauss (

Here is a very easy way to win all the challenges and unlock the secret characters. Select the belt you want to win and pick the Super Brawl ring. When the match starts throw your opponent outside of the ring. Get him onto the entrance ramp and throw him into the black space. He will dissapear!!! Now move out of the way and let him run all the way back to the ring. He will hit the ring and be stunned. When he is stunned, grab him and throw him again. Do this until you have about three seconds until you will be counted out. Now run towards the ring holding the Down C button, you will slide into the ring and your opponent will be counted out!! This is a very quick, very easy way to win the belts.

4 Diamond Cutters
By: and Christopher Mckenzie

DDP can do 4 different diamond cutters... First, You MUST have your special, and you can:

  1. Infront. Stong Grapple and tap the Control Stick.
  2. Behind. Strong Grapple and tap the Control Stick.
  3. Top Rope. Strong Grapple and tap the Control Stick.
  4. Off The Ropes. Tap Control Stick when running near you.

Weapon Fun

This trick will only work in the Nitro and Super Brawl arenas. This trick is kind of hard to do but keep trying and you will get it. First, pick anybody and go to exhibition match. This trick will be easier when the countout is off and when it is on two player. Ok, first, when the match starts, get both of the wrestlers out of the ring. Then, instead of grabbing a weapon from the crowd, have the computer or your friend throw/whip you through the opening in the door where the wrestlers come out. You should go through it. Then, while in the door, press and hold DOWN on the control PAD. Then, while holding down on the pad, press and hold A. Don't let go until you come out. You should come running back out with a weapon to smash your opponent. This is a good trick if you want an advantage against someone whose never played before.

Do a Second Taunt
By: Brian Pierson

To do your wrestler's other taunt, you simply have to press the analog stick downward. Your wrestler will then perform a different taunt then before.

Easy Spirit
By: Brian Pierson

Here are some tips on speeding up your Spirit Meter:

1: If your wrestler is capable of doing moves off the top of the turnbuckles (mainly lightweights), then you will be able to do this trick. First, climb on top of the turnbuckle, then press the analog stick to perform your taunt. If you do this 4 - 5 times, you will have your special in no time. (Note: you can only do a taunt 2 times before having to jump off the turnbuckles)

To fill up your spirit Meter without any risk to yourself, wait till you get pinned, but are in no danger of losing. (i.e. Pinned by Ilegal man, interfearing character, outside the ring, any situation where the ref won't count) Then push the Joystick and hold it. Your Wreslers Spirit will go up and up while you're being pinned (but you won't get a special). Your wrestler won't escape from the pin until someone kicks you and interups it or you let go of the Joystick. The Moral of this code - Holding down the Joystick while in a pin or submision hold forces it to be held until you let go. This only works if your the one in the hold or pin though. (Try it while being punched on the floor. It's amazing who mad an opponet will be after being forced to punch you for 5 minutes strait!)

Block A Weapon
By: Supreme Master (

Whenever an opponant is trying to hit you with a weapon just press both the block and reverse buttons (the L and R buttons) at once and you usually grab their weapon away from them this also lets you use the weapon you just stole from them.

Weapon List
By: and Chase

The official list of all the Weapons in WCW/nWo Revenge. Some may be left out and there are certain exclusivness to some that may not be noted (if you know, mail them in).

	  Black Bat
          Silver Bat
	  Stop Sign
          Trash Can
          Suite Case
          Piece of table
	  Sledge Hammer (Dake Ken only)

Take Control of Interfering Wrestlers
By: Brandon Bierman

So your winning when all of a sudden someone comes in and attacks you. What do you do about it? It's quite simple really. Pick up the fourth controller and press Z. Now you control him. You can't change you focus until you get rid of him but it's still cool. If someone interferes and is helping you, pick up the third controller and you control him! Every wrestler that interferes has no spirit meter but if you do a strong grapple and push the analog stick you do his special!

Make Your Submission Hold Stronger

To make your submission hold stronger, press down on the control padwhen youhave your opponent in it. it make a person tap out alot quicker thennormally

Let Computer Play For You
By: Drago820

If you are having a little trouble in a match hit L and Z simultaniously. Then the computer (N64) will take over for as long as you want. When you don't want the computer to fight anymore press Z and L again (at the same time).

Grand Entrance
By: Chris Halavacs (

To see Sting drop down from the ceiling, go to battle royal, pick any number above 4 wrestlers (the higher the number, the better the chances), and pick anybody but Sting. Then, when you get someone out of the ring, and Sting enters, he will come down from the ceiling

Pin Outside The Ring
By: Stalzy (

This glitch lets you pin outside the ring, but you half to be in the walkway by the door to do it. As long as you very very close to the end it will let you pin the other person out of the ring. I guess it is good because you can beat him with a weapon and get him back in the isle and pin him. Count out must be off.

Nitro Arena Trick
By: Chris Halavacs (

When fighting in the entrance way throw your opponent into the black door at the very end. He will disappear for about several seconds and then will come running out like he just hit the ropes.

Playable Managers
By: Chris Halavacs ( and Sandy Thomson

Go to One-on-One in Exhibition match and choose a wrestler that have managers (ex.Hollywood Hulk Hogan.) After Play begins, press Z on the 3rd and 4th controlers and you will take control of the managers.

Here is a list of all the characters in the game who have managers and who their manager is:

Hollywood Hogan - Eric Bischoff
Diamond Dallas Page - Kimberly
Brian Adams - Vincent
Scott Hall - Dusty Rhodes
Scott Norton - Vincent
Eric Bischoff - Elizabeth
Scott Steiner - Vincent
Curt Hennig - Rick Rude
Macho Man Randy Savage - Elizabeth
Meng - Jimmy Hart
Yugi Nagata - Onoo
Barbarian - Jimmy Hart

Special Attacks
By: MaSe x64x (

There are five different special attacks available in the game, but not every wrestler can use all five. Some wrestlers might be able to perform only two, while other wrestlers might have all five Special Attacks. The following moves can only be accomplished when the word "Special" is flashing in your Spirit Meter:

Sledge Hammer Weapon
By: StoneCold (

To get the Sledge Hammer be Dake Ken and get a weapon. He is the only one who can use the Sledge Hammer.

Do Your Opponents Finishing Move
By: Chris Driffill (

This code allows you to perform your opponent's finishing move. You must equal your opponent's weight class, so Booker T, Kevin Nash, or Giant are guaranteed to work.

First, get in special, do a strong front grapple, and then press A & B simultaneously. Don't touch the Analog stick at all. It may take a few tries to get it correct.

World Heavywieght Mode

Win the U.S. Heavyweight Belt to get World Heavyweight Mode.

TV Title Mode

Win the Cruiserweight Belt to get TV Title Mode. 

Secret Characters

Kidman - Win Cruiserweight Title
Meng and Barbarian - Get the Tag Team Belts to get Meng and Barbarian
Curt Henning - Win all nine rounds of the U.S. Heavyweight competition to get Curt Henning.
Secret Flock Member - Get the Cruiserweight Belt to get a secret Flock member (we'll know who he is when the game releases).
Rowdy Roddy Piper - Get the World Heavyweight Belt to get Roddy Piper.
Kanyon - Get the TV title to get Kanyon in the WCW.