Updated News!!

Updated News!!
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Here you can find answers to most of your questions about Lauryn and the Fugees, in addition to current news, tour dates, and other cool stuff. Check out the comic strips by Aaron McGruder called "The Boondocks" that include Lauryn Hill, they are hilarious!

I support Brandy (April 16, 2002)

That's right, folks. I actually support Brandy. Remember her good ole days on Thea. I do...but she's grown a lot since then. With a child on the way, and an itch to smack an ex-boyfriend like Babe Ruth would a baseball. She's got a lot to say and it's all in her latest album, Full Moon. Check the link below.

Lauryn's Album MTV Unplugged...(April 9, 2002)

Lauryn's album is almost here. Less than a month away. It's title, very simple: Lauryn Hill: MTV Unplugged No. 2.0. It will be available (reportedly) on May 7th, 2002. CDNOW.com will allow you to pre-order it, and it will promptly be shipped to you upon it's release! The moment we've all been waiting for...L's album!!!

Jazzyfatnastees...(March 10, 2002)

Jazzyfat-who? For clarity's sake, THE JAZZYFATNASTEES!! If you haven't already familiarized yourself with these women(Tracey Moore, and Mercedes Martinez), you're missing out. Get to know the musical gems of Philly. Yes, Philly is a talented place, and these girls are no exception. Exploding with sound, and that untweaked voice we all know Lauryn has, these women have it too. There style is unique and they are worth your support and love. Everything they drop is hot, with a nice, fresh groove...these ladies have given their all to bring flavor to your ear. Make sure your ear gets to hear what they can do...Don't miss out on them. You'll only be mad at yourself. Come on, would I steer you wrong? Check out their website Jazzyfatnastees Website part of the Okayplayer Website, and pick up their first album The Once and Future. (I'm listening to it right now, HOT!!!!!) Also, look for their second album hitting streets in June 2002, "The Tortoise and the Hare." Big Up to Tracey and Mercedes!!

Lauryn's Album(March 10, 2002)

Lauryn, very thrifty, and brilliant. Killing two beats with one drum (haven't the birds suffered enough?) is releasing an album in April: The MTV Unplugged performance. You'll get two CD's of all new Lauryn songs. April's only one month away but the wait is killing me softly! And that's not all! You'll get one acoustic guitar, and one voice that has yet to be tweaked and modified by technology. (I don't care what anyone says Jennifer Lopez cannot sing, we're blinded by a pretty face and supped-up voice.) So get ready, save that money. Let's take Lauryn to new heights. I'm far to competitive. I know Alicia Keys is cool and all, I love her skills but she's not at the level to compete with Lauryn...tying grammy records...Keys got lucky, there was no real music talent within the industry last year to give her some healthy competition. Come on Lauryn gal, we ready..BRING IT!

Lauryn's MTV Unplugged... (March 10, 2002)

(Today)Sunday, March 10th at 8pm Central Time, on MTV2, Lauryn's unplugged will be aired! Check out this show if you haven't already had a chance to. Lauryn's playing an acoustic guitar that she taught herself to play. That's my Gemini! Dedicated to your art you can do anything. As always she attributes her skill and art to God. This new set of songs is amazingly insightful and deliciously intense. LISTEN TO THE WORDS. Yes, Lauryn's always been talented with words (that's the Gemini in her). These songs however, are the result of three years of soul-searching. There's one song that's approx. 8-9 minutes long! Us Lauryn fans have an EASY task: sticking by someone so talented is effortless. Watching her voice touch the stars is a pleasure.

With this "new Lauryn" is she still religious? (January 19, 2002)

Survey says: ABSOLUTELY! Well, technically she was never religious to begin with, meaning she was never strongly associated with any religious organization. Presently she's extremely spiritual, which she has always been.

Where's Lauryn's head right now? (January 19, 2002)

Can you tell I had a long visit with my source recently? Ok, Lauryn met a guy. (Stop thinking sexual, get you're minds out of the gutter!) At any rate, this guy (who's remaining nameless) totally changed her way of thinking. He (reportedly) made her realize that she was a victim of commericialism and society's forceful fist. In other words she curbed her thoughts, and attitudes to better please the public: she wasn't being "herself." So she's being true to herself now. The Lauryn you know and love from 1998 is not the same Lauryn we will soon see. Are you excited? In fact, the secret project she's working on (mentioned below), is a direct by-product of her self-realization.

Lauryn & Rohan, What now? (January 19, 2002)

I've heard so much. That they never got married. That they've gotten divorced. That they're still together. That they just live together. So which one is it? Sources say there's been no legally bonding ceremony, but they do live together and care for their children, Selah and Zion. Is there a third bundle of joy on the way? I forgot to ask...

Top Secret $#^#$!!(January 19, 2002)

I'm horrible with updating this site, but I just got word of what Lauryn's been doing with her time. She's working on something top secret...I mean, she's not telling anyone, no press publications, no statements, no meetings with anyone, nothing. And no one, NO ONE has a clue what she's doing with the exception of her. I trust in Lauryn, I know she'll hook it up. For those of you wanting to hear something from her soon, you won't be waiting too much longer. Word is we'll definitely get something before the year's end!!

What to do in the mean time?? Thirsting for sound and talent that's almost (if not just) as good as Lauryn Hill? Check out the Jazzyfatnastees -- click here! Hit up their website by clicking the previous link. The Jazzies released their first album in 1999 called Once & Future...HOT...go out and get it as soon as possible. Their second album is due in June 2002...if you enjoy listening to talented sisters, carrying a message with a goregous vocal flow supported by a "fat" groove, support the Jazzyfatnastees and pick up their albums!

Aight, L representin at the music video awards! Everything is Everything, girl!! (July 26, 2000)

I'm extending a warm congradulations to my girl, Lauryn Hill for her nomination in MTV's Video Music Awards. "Everything Is Everything" has been nominated in the following categories:

Best Hip Hop Video

Best Direction

Best Special Effects

The awards will take place Thursday, September 7th at 8pm EST/7pm CST at New York's Radio City Music Hall. What are you gonna do with all those awards, L? I know that closet's filling up fast!!

How can I contact Lauryn Hill....you don't update your stupid contact area...(July 25, 2000)

My bad. That page has been under construction for the longest time. So I'm addressing it here. Don't send mail to me, and expect me to forward it to Lauryn, I won't do it. Sorry!! You can send mail to her record company...

Lauryn Hill

c/o RuffNation Records

101 Charles Drive

Bryn Mawr PA 19010

They should forward your mail to her, if not, let me know, and I'll find another address. There, I've done my job, I wish to receive no more complaints about my "stupid contact Lauryn page."

Lauryn and Wyclef...ohhhhhhh....I heard they were....ohhhhhhhhhh...I'm Tellin'!!! (July 25, 2000)

You know, Wycelf cracks me up sometimes. That boy's runs faster than Michael Johnson, and spits more trash than any politician. We all need to take everything we hear with a grain of salt, as you would anything else, whether it's here on my site, or anywhere else. I will be the last one to admit Lauryn is perfect, and I try to dispell those concepts every chance I get. I'm inclined to believe Wyclef's story, is just that, a story. He's got his album coming out, and he needs to make a lot of noise so people will pay attention to him and buy it. Some artists get arrested, while others appear in movies, or charity events, and some smear the names of ex-friends, and ex-collegues. Now I know, everyone wants to know, "Why isn't Lauryn saying anything?" Well, first, scandal is juicy, rumors of forbidden romance are juicy, and people will believe whatever they want. Naturally, Lauryn would deny any such accusation. And naturally, people will continue to believe whatever they wanted to believe. Therefore making any such statement is pointless. She is aware that we want to hear her side of the story, and she will tell it, when she's ready. I do like to emphasize that Lauryn's private life is private, and we shouldn't be concerning ourselves with it. But if you do care, you'll have to wait a while, before Lauryn's side is told. As always, I'll inform you of any news or info of the such.

Fugees album, say what?! (July 25, 2000)

I know a lot of you have been hearing things little birds on trees, or bus drivers, or even unnamed radio personalities talking about another Fugees album. A few of you have come here, and then left disappointed because I didn't address the issue. I didn't address it, because it isn't true. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but, no, the three won't be getting together anytime soon. That's just life, some people can work together, some can't. These three have had their issues and they have yet to resolve them. Of course I'll blame Wyclef, everyone knows I don't like him, and I think he's a loser and an a-- well nevermind. Youngin's come to this site too. Gotta keep it clean. There won't be another Fugees album anytime soon.

Lauryn's next album...oh please, Oh Please, OH PLEASE!!

Yep, that's right. Lauryn did some serious investigative work and found out that we want another album. It had nothing to do with Wyclef's move to make another album...honest! So she went back to work, all that deep thought, all that writing, all that strumming on a guitar searching for the right cords, all those late nights will soon pay off, when she releases the sequel to Miseducation. Don't look for it any time soon, though...Ms. Hill has to perfect her skill. You can expect collaborations from artists such as Mary J. Blige, and Eve....NOTE: THESE ARE UNCONFIRMED RUMORS...but my intincts and sources are pretty reliable! Up-to-the-minute info will be posted to inform you of any new developments!

What's all the drama around another Fugees album?

Now I know Lauryn has experience with soap operas but this is rediculous. Lauryn, I love you as much as...well look! I made a whole website for you. So you better stop all this nonsense. Make up your mind, already! For those who don't know what I'm talking about here's the deal: Wyclef had been flappin his gums about getting the Fugees together for an album. Pras has been praying, and Lauryn has been in limbo on the whole issue. Her lips are sealed as to what her plans are and that's mostly because she herself doesn't know what she wants to do. Personally, Wyclef's attitude annoys me, and if I were Lauryn I wouldn't work with him either. Both of them are controlling individuals. If I were Lauryn I'd walk into the studio under one condition: "I sold more albums, I won more grammys, I'm just all around better, and I'm cute, so shut up and sit down and do what I tell you to do." But Lauryn's a better person than me. All rumors and personal comments aside we're waiting on Lauryn to make a move in regards to another Fugees album. Wyclef has moved ahead to make a second album, and Lauryn Hill has moved on to making another album. If Pras knows what's good for him, he'll get a lot of people to guest appear on his album.

Is Lauryn Hill a Racist?

I have recieved numberous emails regarding this issue and the short answer is no. This rumor has been around ever since the Fugees became mainstream hip-hop artists. The rumor illegedly originated from a phone call to the Howard Stern Show. The listener stated that he/she heard "Lauryn Hill" would rather her kids starve than have a white person purchase her album. The rumor spread from there, and was repeated on several radio stations until it finally got back to Lauryn herself. Upon hearing the rumor, Lauryn grew upset and phoned the radio station that repeated the rumor. She stated that she was not a racist, and had no idea where the rumor came from. After this, the rumor died down, only to rise again with the success of her solo album, "The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill." Only this time the rumor changed to such statements, as "she would rather kill her child," or "she would rather eat dog sh**."

Lauryn's statement on the second-coming of the rumor:

"Let me clarify this right now. I am not a racist. I love people who love God. I love good people. If you're a good person with a good heart, you're cool with me. And i hope I'm cool with you. There's nothing racist about anything in my heart."

So where did the confusion come from? Lauryn wants people to understnad that one of her many goals is to uplift the African-American female population...to give them a sense of self-love and definition which should not be confused with racial supremacy.

"There are a lot of young black girls who I meet in my travels who don't have a lot of self-esteem," explains Lauryn. "so id i communicate to them that they are beautiful, no white peson should find fault in that. It doesn't mean that young white girls aren't beautiful, because they are just as beautiful."

What's the Deal with Rohan?

Another issue raised, and while I do not advocate spreading personal information and the personal lives of entertainers here it is neccessary before the rumors and questions get out of hand.

Someone onced asked why Rohan doesn't seem to show affection towards Lauryn at award shows and things of that nature. Others imply that Rohan doesn't love Lauryn. As far as the love Rohan has for Lauryn it is real. The two have been together long before "Fugees- The Score," dropped. If you ever notice the way he acts around her, you'll know he loves her more than anything. He protects her like a lion. As far as the expression of affection in public, did it ever occur to you that Lauryn isn't a public-displays-of-affection person? She isn't, and when she's recieving an award she has a message to give, and the message isn't, "Look at my man, and watch us kiss."

Others posed the question why haven't they gotten married yet. First of all, I think you'll hear about the marriage long after it happens. Secondly, how long does it take a 9-5 bride to plan a wedding? Now imagine working 24 hrs a day practically, and trying to plan a wedding. A wedding is not the first thing on Lauryn's things-to-do. She's still a JEDI (as K.A.D. Wear has recycled the term), with a lot of changes she wants to make, goals and dreams, and people she wants to help.


Who's got the crown for Hip-Hop Queen?

This is an obvious answer but has created some interesting questions from a few of you. Lauryn Hill is the Queen of Hip-Hop now, but before Miseducation, Mary J. Blige held the title. I don't know about you, but I was with Mary J. Blige back in the day when everyone said she was a ho, and I said she wasn't a ho just a little confused( No offense MJB!). So what's the 411 on the relationship between the two? There's no animosty betweem them at all, in fact Lauryn Hill is the one who helped clear up Mary's confusion. So you can witness the more spiritual, more self-defined, self-loving Mary in her self-titled album, which incidently has a song written and produced my Lauryn Hill, "All That I Can Say." Well, all that I can say is, the song is tight, and I will be very disappointed if it's not nominated for a Grammy. Mary J. Blige is just like you and I, affected for the better, by the presence, essence and words of Lauryn Hill, so who else in the entertainment industry digs L Boogie's inspirational style(some more than others of course)? Just to name a few, Madonna, Sheryl Crow, Tatyana Ali, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Whitney Houston, JC Chasez of 'N Sync, Monica, and Whoopi Goldberg just to name a few.

*********TOUR DATES will be posted as soon as they are confirmed!********

"Boondocks" by Aaron Mcgruder

check out the strip's website: www.boondocks.net



CJ White

So do you have an issue of concern you want to see addressed here? Anything, Anything at all, just ask...what's the worst that could happen? E-mail me!