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Much better page
Trivia Page
Cricket Page
Tennis Page
Rugby Page

Welcome to JOSHTOPIA, in this site you'll find stuff about all the things that interest me. For cricket, soccer and movies this is your one stop shop. Latest bizarre occurances around the sporting world will be identified in that particular area of JOSHTOPIA. To explore JOSHTOPIA you can click on the links above with the knowledge that I will provide an in-depth analysis of the world events that require more than just a casual glance.

I am also very interested in cricket statistics and trivia, any strange things you discover would be greatly appreciated if you could send them to me. An interesting fact is: The partnership between Roshan Mahanama (who can't even get into the Sri Lankan team any more) and Sanath Jayasuria of 576 runs for the second wicket against India last year was only one run off the alltime best partnership in first class cricket.If you have any questions about cricket you want to quiz me on, send them by e-mail and I should give you a reply (no-one's caught me out yet!)

I know this site sucks arse... that's coz I've spent the last 18 months working on a much better site which is here so that's where you should go for my current site. Coz this one bites arse!!!!

lt;p> P.S. This page is still under construction... and it sucks!