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Trail Cam
A perfect place to hunt for a little of everything!
For those of you that have never hunted in South Texas, sometimes they post motion detector cameras at their feeders/tanks to see what is going on.
Remote camera is the game camera or trail camera. It is a device that records images, either as a still photograph or a video.
It is a rugged and weatherproof camera designed for extended and unmanned use outdoors.
The images it produces are used for game surveillance by hunters. Most cameras come with a strap that allows it to be hung from a tree
and a lock to prevent theft. It will automatically take a picture when it senses motion. Each image is stamped with Exif data
which includes the date, time it was recorded, as well as a number of other data points
. The game camera will usually function day and night by sensing game out to around 100 feet.
Check out this sequence at a water tank.

“Life’s like a movie; write your own ending, keep believing, keep pretending...” —Jim Henson

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