Internet Home Of The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy

 Elect President Sharpton in 2004!
We here at The Movement Formerly known as Students for Sharpton are completely revamping the way we're reaching out to and organizing students who support Crazy Al for president.

White Devils for Sharpton is the second phase of Students for Sharpton, the nationwide movement that started in March 2003 on hundreds of college campuses across the country. Generation Sharpton is a movement run by and for young people, including high schoolers, college students, drug gangs, and non-students, who support Rev. Al Sharpton for President in 2004.

But this isn't just a name change. This is a change of focus, goals, message, and methods for empowering a generation of young Americans. One of the primary changes you're going to see with Generation Sharpton is a focus on individual action, as well as group action. We want to empower each and every one of you to take action on your campus and in your community. But we need your help to make this happen.

One last thing. We want to involve as many people as possible in running White Devils for Sharpton. We need writers to help us put a student spin on the issues, media savvy people to help us with press and our news section, tech people to help us with graphic design and other website-related endeavors, and anyone else who has a special (or non-special) skill. 

Bill Clinton
White Devils for Sharpton

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