Missing Cuban Rowing Team Arrives In Miami
MIAMI, FL - The Cuban National Rowing Team, missing since the 2000 meter Olympic semifinals in Beijing last week, arrived in Miami Beach today to the surprise of hundreds of beach-goers. All nine members of the team, although quite tired, were in good health and spirits. Although it is not an official Olympic event, it is believed that the team shattered the record for semi-circumnavigation.
"It was a little tricky coming around Cape Horn." said Emilio Consuegas, coxswain for the team. "But we knew we were in the home stretch."

The Cubans, with a proud tradition of rowing dating back decades, has had little success in competitive rowing since the Mariel Boatlift depleted the country of its best rowing talent. The situation was further complicated by a constant shortage of boats. This team however, training on land to comply with Cuban maritime regulations, worked tirelessly to regain that once proud rowing tradition.

"My uncle once paddled a '65 Rambler all the way to Key West." said Franco Huertaz, crew anchor and single scull specialist. "I dedicate this race to him."

Other members of the team were just happy to be out of China. "It's really a repressive society." said Miguel Cervesa, who plans on seeking political asylum to avoid persecution for his anti-tobacco beliefs. "I'll bet it's hard to find a decent boat over there, too."

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