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The city of Homer is located at the tip of the
Kenai Peninsula, on Kachemak Bay. It sits at the entrance to Cook Inlet,
and is just inside the ocean entrance to the North Pacific.
The moonrise is spectacular over the glaciers across the bay.
Evening light comes late in Southcentral Alaska.
With 20 hours of daylight in midsummer,
the stars are rarely seen.

These views are from the east end area,
a broad slope, overlooking the bay and
the Kenai Mountain Range which is studded
with ice fields and glaciers all year long.
The sunset sky provides a beautiful background
for the scenic shores of the bay.
Changing light and weather patterns assure a
new view from one day to the next ~
Sometimes from one moment to the next, in a dramatic,
ever changing display of textured light and shadow, color and hue.

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