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This is me before.

This is me now.

Here's a BIIIGGGG kiss for all you guys!

My full name is Kahealani Wahinekapu Nicole Ayat
My nicknames are p-girl, buddy, and hea.
I'm 19 years old and was born on October 11, making me a libra.
I weight too much to say, and I 'm about 5'8. I graduated from Mckinley High. c/o '98, TIGER PRIDE!!
I was born in Las Vegas, lived in New York, and I was raised in Papakolea and Makiki, on the island of Oahu in Hawaii
I attended Graceland College in Iowa from '98-'99, but now I'm at Oregon Institute of Technology, majoring in Civil Engineering with a Structural emphasis.
I'm Hawaiian, Chinese, German, Scotish, Irish, and French.
My favorite color is yellow.
I have one brother, his name is Jonah, and he's 13.
I don't have a boyfriend because there are no local boyz in my town, I've heard there are lots in Oregon, but I never met any.
If you like know anything else bout me, just ask...

This is my bestest friend Nohea, she goes to Oregon Tech. She is also from Honolulu, and also a Tiger alumni. This is at our graduation. Choke lei's yeah.

This was my room mate last year, her name is Kahea too. She graduated from Waianae High, and she's still at Graceland.

This is my ex-boyfriend Matthew, he attends Graceland University, and plays volleyball and football there.

Picture's From OregonTech

Picture's From Graceland

Picture's of my Ohana

Picture's of my buddies back at home

My BUDdy and Me!!

Daily Horoscope
What's your sign?

These are a few of my favorite pages to visit:
Drop in to Bob's web page to listen to some solid music.
I also like listening to Beethoven, check out his page to listen to all of his clasical music.

Hawai'i Independent and Sovereign


Wanna Send Virtual Flowers!!!

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