Born Again


Taken from John. 3:1-7 and recorded on album 2 "The Word Becomes Music

(Talking blues style – pick, strum, hammer on with chords - C F G7 (C) - basically one sequence perline,continues through the spoken bits)

Long, long ago in the first century when Jesus was stirring up old Galilee
In synagogue shopping the profits were dropping ‘cos Jesus had sent all those businessmen hopping.
Most of the leaders became rather furious but old Nicodemus, he just got curious.
Nicodemus you see, he had his degree, he knew all the law, and the theology
For he was a doctor of divinity and hearing that Jesus was in the vicinity,
he thought he’d grasp at this great opportunity.
So early one night when he’d keep out of sight he went to see Jesus in search of the light.
Now soon he entered where Jesus was centred, he started a greeting so very entreating:
“We know thy commission’s to give exposition of knowledge that comes from Jehovah,
For unless God has sent thee, comprehension would fail me as to how thou dost miracles moreover.”
Now Jesus was list’ning to all of this chatter and quickly saw through to the heart of the matter
so he stopped Nicodemus and said:

Get this it’s heavy, I’m telling you, you must be born again,
G7 C
Or you’ll never get to see my kingdom.
F G7 C Am
You must be born of water and the spirit,
Dm7 G7 C
Or you’ll never see the kingdom of God.

Now to old Nicodemus, this ‘born again’ business was quite a big shock to the system,
For in all of his learning was nothing concerning this unbiological step.
So with lots of confusion and great exclamation Nicodemus began to inquire:
“If I ask my mother to make me my brother and hatch me again she’d be quizzical…”
So Jesus expounded his teaching was founded on facts that were more than just physical:
“When I say second birth it’s not to make mirth, it’s new life so listen and hear it;
A man and his wife give the flesh part of life but eternal life comes from the spirit.
So listen.”

Get this it’s heavy, I’m telling you, you must be born again,
G7 C
Or you’ll never get to see my kingdom.
F G7 C Am
You must be born of water and the spirit,
Dm7 G7 C
Or you’ll never see the kingdom of God.

Truscott Truscott Smallbone

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