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The CTY/Hamilton Ten Commandments: THOU SHALT NOT:

  1. go out of bounds unaccompanied by a staff member.
  2. be out of the dorm after lights out or before 7:00 AM.
  3. prop open the outside doors of dormitories.
  4. engage in any horseplay on the footbridge (including climbing on or throwing anything over the railing) at any time.
  5. tamper with fire equipment or alarms, or play with fire hazards (matches, lighters, etc.).
  6. possess or use alchohol, tobacco or drugs.
  7. enter halls where people of the opposite gender live.
  8. steal, damage or vandalize the property of any member of the community.
  9. cheat, lie, or plagiarize.
  10. bully, haze, or otherwise endager the health, safety or well-being of yourself or any other member of the community.
  11. remove screens from dormitory windows and/or place any body part outside of any window. (Thanks to John aka Spam)
  12. Flip Off the Site Director; climb trees; walk on windowledges (as long as you didn't exit through the window)

Joan Laurel Baldridge had a great time at CTY. Hamilton College, Clinton New York, 1994.2 and 1995. We the Collective want to return!

The Scenic Hamilton College campus on a foggy morning, as seen from one end of the footbridge on Martin'sWay, looking toward the Beineke complex. (Josh & Joan)


CTY Dances

the Spammish Inquisition

CTY Stories

Irritating Things to Do

Meanings of CTY

*Yeeth = the CTYian plural of "youth"
