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Here are the cheats I promised you! Enjoy!
1)Safari Zone Pokémon at Seafoam Islands. To catch safari zone pokémon in other places just go into the Safari Zone then leave.The guy there will say leaving soon(YES or NO are your options). Choose NO.then surf all the way down to Seafoam Islands And go up and down the edge half on land,half in the water. After a few seconds you will start encountering some safari zone pokémon!

2)High level pokémon at Seafoam Islands. To catch really high level Pokémon(such as level 137 Golducks and level 64 Charmeleons)go to the guy who teaches you how to catch Pokémon say No when he asks you if you are in a hurry, then fly to Fuschia City then surf down to Seafoam Islands and surf up and down and down the coast of it half on land, half on water. You will encounter many different Pokémon depending on what color your game cartridge is. Note : Do not try this on Cinnabar Island.

3) Master Ball Cheat To get the master ball cheat, just go into a battle, throw a Pokéball and hold Up + B. It takes a while to get this right but if it does work, the ball will do a funny spin in the air. Warning : This does not work in the Safari Zone.

4)99 of any Item(yes thats right!) To get 99 of any item first put the item you want 99 of 6th from the top of your item list.Then fly to Virridian city, talk to the guy who teaches you how to throw pokéballs the fly to Cinnabar island and surf up and down the eastern shore.After awhile you will find a pokémon with a screwed up name either defeat it or run.Then check your items, you will have a symbol and then a 9 beside your item.The best to be used for this should be either RARE CANDY or the MASTERBALL if you still have it.

By Cubone

To duplicate a pokémon you must have 2 game boys,2 pokemon cartriges, and 1 link cable.NOTE:I heard that this code can mess up your game, but I've had no trouble when I used it.Any trouble caused can be fixed by restarting the game. Follow these instructions: 1.Get 1 pokemon that you want duplicated put in one cartridge,and 1 pokemon that you could stand to lose in the other cartridge.(a low Lv. Pidgey or Rattata would work well) 2.Link the two game boys together,and set up a trade. 3.Trade the good pokémon with the bad pokemon wait for the Waiting... sign to disappear,then turn the game boy that used to have the good pokemon off BEFORE the Trade Compleated sign appears. 4.Turn the other game boy off,then turn both back on,and there should be two of the pokemon you wanted duplcated,one in each cartridge! 5.If you would like even more of that pokémon,repeat steps 1-4 again.

By Zapdos(Thanks)
Here are some Game Genie Codes Gold Code 996-11B-E6A buy some poke'balls with the code off. then turn the code on and sell the poke'balls you will get 990200 for each poke'ball.(this code might work for jap. version) Weird Code 001-23C-2AE Start a new game and meet Oak, you will have to start a new game. Buy Anything If You Have The Money Viridian City use these codes in this city xx4-44D-F7A xx4-45D-C46 xx4-46D-D56 Pewter City use these codes in this city xx4-4BD-F7A xx4-4CD-B3A xx4-4DD-91E Cerulean City use these codes in this city xx4-55D-F7A xx4-56D-B3A xx4-57D-912 Vermilion City use these codes in this city xx4-63D-F7A xx4-64D-A26 xx4-65D-D5E codes item c9 TM01 ca TM02 cb TM03 cc TM04 cd TM05 cf TM06 do TM07 d1 TM08 d2 TM09 d3 TM10 d4 TM11 d5 TM12 d6 TM13 d7 TM114 d8 TM15 d9 TM16 da TM17 db TM18 dc TM19 dd TM20 de TM21 df TM22
These Codes where sent in by PhattyP(Thanks)