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61st Military Police Company


My Arrival

In July of 1981, I flew from Maguire AFB, NJ to Frankfurt, West Germany. It was a night flight and I arrived at Rhein-Mein AFB at 9:00 AM Local time.

I did not sleep at all and once we disembarked from the plane we went straight into in-processing. It was a long day.

I was assigned to the 61st Military Police Company based just outside of Hanau, in a town called Erlensee. I was told nothing about the unit or what its mission was. I was assigned to a room to spend the night at the base and the next day I would be transported to my new unit. Many of my roomates wanted to go out to explore Frankfurt but I was dead tired and I went to bed!

61st MP Co.

I was transported to the unit by a sergeant in his POV (privately owned vehicle). He was a nice guy and he told me a little about the unit.

The unit's mission mainly was to provide security to a NATO site, though the sergeant was attached to MPI (Military Police Investigations). I got no further details so as it was the weekend, I was assigned a bunk and I would meet with the company commander on Monday.

The Third Platoon

On Monday, I met with the company commander and the first sergeant. I was assigned to the third plattoon and was told that I would become a part of the security force guarding NATO Site #5. It was a secret site and all personel involved had to have at least a Secret Clearance. Most of the details to my duties are classified.

My third platoon buddies

Here are the names of some of my third platoon buddies and their hometowns.

Craig Johnson-Mount Joy, PA

Bobby Demeo-Canton, OH

Rich Devlin-Milton, NY

Melvin(Magoo)Williams-Austin, TX

Ron Kitchens-Chattanooga, TN

Wayne Wyckoff-FL

Rocky Presley-Athens, GA



Lenny Maguire-PA

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