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Angel Prayer Webring

Okay, if you reached this far your site must be appropriate for Angel Prayer Webring. The page you submit must have the html fragment on it. If you remove the fragment it becomes broken and without notice you will be removed from the ring.

After submitting your site please go back to the main page for the html fragment and place it on your page. It must be on the page you submit before I can add you to the ring.

Submit site to Angel Prayer Webring
Site Title:
Site Url:

Please choose a password. (do not FORGET it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

This is what it should look like when you place it on your page. If you should have any problems with the html fragment please E-mail me.(\o/)
Angel Prayer Webring
This Angel Prayer Webring site is owned by Laura
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