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Alicia's 1998 Lafayette Swampcat Picture's

1998 Lafayette Swampcat's Two Time Champions!

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Fun Facts about the Cats
    Here's some Facts about the cats you may find interesting:
  • Which Swampcat player was in the movie "Major League?"Jon Coleman, he was in the crowd right behind the bench.
  • What is Antonio Paternostro's favorite food? Pizza.
  • What are some things the players do on the bus? They play cards, gamble, read, listen to music, and sleep.
  • What is one thing nobody knows about Scott Wallace?That he stays up all night and sleeps all day.
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for not being able to take the Louisiana heat?Scott Wallace
  • What is Matt Wilkerson's favorite zoo animal? A donkey, because it reminds him of some of his friends!
  • What is something that most people don't know about Matt Wilkerson? If he's telling the truth,lying, or joking.
  • What is one thing most people don't know about Seyi Famodu? That he is half Nigerian.
  • What is Seyi Famodu's favorite movie? Star Wars.
  • What is does Beau Brown think his biggest asset is? Singing. He was in the high school choir he likes to sing gospel and he likes to sing the Star Spangled Banner in the shower.
  • What is Beau Brown's favorite hobby? To play nintendo, eat, sleep, cross word puzzles, and read the Bible.
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Most Dirty Room? Deron Braun
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Best Hair? Craig Rhodis
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Cleaniest Cat? Matt Johnson
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Sexiest Swampcat? John Coleman
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Cutest Swampcat? Beau Brown
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Guy That goes/gets the Most Girls? Matt Wilkerson
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for the Guy that Drinks the most? Todd Dusosky
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Being the Best Father? Jim Moresi
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Telling the Most Stories? Doug Tegge
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Being the Youngest? Seyi Famodu
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Being the Oldest? Chuck Granade
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Being the Laziest? Coach Poggi
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Sleeping the Most? Wes Sechrist
  • Who won the Booster Club Award for Being Afraid of the Dark? Kenny Baertsch
  • Which Swampcat "claims" to be the best dancer? Beau Brown
More on the Way!
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    My Favorite Links

    Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
    Official Website of the Lafayette Swampcats
    Eastern Indoor Soccer League's Official Website
    Melinda's unofficial website of the Lafayette Swampcats
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    Cajun Spices, Music and More
    Page 5 Utah Freezz Page
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    Page 7 More Pictures
    Page 8 More Pictures
    Page 9 More Pictures
    The Unofficial Site of the Utah Freezz
