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Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 Review


 So Many Wrestlers, So Much Excitement


After I played WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour, I thought there was no possible way Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 could improve on it. I was wrong.

Virtual Pro Wrestling 64 (The sequel to Virtual Pro Wrestling for the Playstation) is WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour and more, much more. Using the same engine as WCW Vs. NWO: World Tour, Asmik increased the size of the game by adding more characters including New Japan and All Japan Pro-Wrestlers. They also included a shootfighting league with famous shootfighters that compete in Pancrase, and RINGS. VPW 64 also includes more hidden wrestlers. You can access these characters after beating the Champion Road mode. These characters are known as the Legend and include the likes of Terry Funk, Dory Funk Jr., Andre The Giant, Antonio Inoki, Giant Baba, Mil Mascaras, Dos Caras, Tiger Mask, and many more. There is also wrestlers that you obtain by beating a league with a certain character. An example of this is beating it with Keiji Muto and getting The Great Muta. Overall, their is more than 90 wrestlers.

That's not all. Asmik has also included more moves, taunts, and reversals. They have also included a special wrestler edit that allows the player to switch the appearance of a wrestler. You can change the wrestler's tights, and the color of his uniform. With the wrestler edit, you can also name the wrestlers their correct names using Japanese or English.

All the modes from the US version are still here including League play, Battle Royal, Tag-team, Tournament, and more. The game still supports four-players and also supports the rumble pak. Another addition to VPW 64 is the battery backup in the game. You do not have to save your hidden characters to memory card like you had to in WCW Vs. NWO:World Tour. It saves right to cart now. There is also a cartoon style referee that pops up on the screen when a submission move or a pinfall is being attempted.

What more can be said? This game is a definite buy. This is by far the best wrestling game for N64 so far.




Check out the ref!
Wrestler Edit!
Tombstone Piledriver!
