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Caveman Dave's Raw Report



NOTE: I used to do RAW and Nitro reports but it became too much for me to keep up with and reports are all over the place so I felt that this was something I could cut and still have a decent site. This is a special Raw tribute show to Owen Hart and thus it will serve double duty as "my" tribute to Owen.

Tonights RAW opens with just about every wrestler, referee and McMahon lined up on the ramp underneath the Titan-tron for a 10 bell toll for Owen Hart. There was a lot of emotion showed here and more than one wrestler was in tears. Afterward a taped tribute package to Owen was shown on the Titan-tron. Huge crowd aplause for Owen and a Owen Chant went on.

The entire 2 hour show was dedicted to Owen and there were multiple showings of taped-interview-style segments of just about everybody involved in the WWF all thru the night. Mick Foley (Mankind), Bradshaw, Mark Henry, Droz, Chyna & HHH, Dave Hebner, Bruce Prichard (WWF Official), Dustin Runnels (Goldust), Farooq (Ron Simmons), Test, Jeff Jarrett, Edge, Patterson, Bob Holly, Paul Bearer, X-pac, Road Dogg, Gerald Brisco, Debra and Shane McMahon. Also, thru the night, every wrestler was seen with a Black "OH" arm band in memory of Owen Hart. This was, by far, one of the most respectful and honorable attempts I've seen yet by any of the wrestling organizations to pay tribute to a fallen wrestler. I hope this sets a trend in the industry.

FIRST MATCH: Jeff Jarrett w/Debra vs Test.
Jeff takes the mic quickly and says, "Owen Hart never was never a nuggett." The match started but it seemed obvious to me that the wrestlers were not up to snuff (understandably so). Match ends with Debra on the apron and opening her blouse to distract Test who grabbed Debra's ass and took a slap for it. Jeff took advantage of the slap and Russian Leg Sweeped Test and followed it with the Sharpshooter submission finisher in memory of Owen.

Mark Henry was shown on tape and I have to mention it because he read a poem that described the way he felt about Owen's death and was in tears so badly it make me even sell up.

X-pac/Kane vs The Brood.
Announcers make me feel like a total out-of-shape bastard by informing me that X-pac is only 26 and Edge is even younger. :( I'm going to the gym tomorrow. Looks like X-pac and Kane are finally working together well as a tag team and even used a tag team finisher to win; Kane Gorilla Press Slammed X-pac who Splashed Gangrel for the pin.

Once again, there were other tape segments, but I make mention of this because it really just makes me tear up. Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Chyna are sitting together and after Chyna says a few words HHH breaks into a very real and tearfull segment.

Hardy Boyz w/Michael Hayes vs Michinoku/Fumaki.
Really cool match with alot of good cruiserweight style action. Matt Hardy finishes the match with a weird Spinning Neak Breaker move that he turns into a Diamond Cutter.

Holly vs Shamrock.

Billy Gunn vs Mankind.
Gunn shows his arm band as he makes his way to the ring instead of his usual butt shot. In the ring Gunn hits the mic and does the old shout out, "If you ain't down with Owen Hart (points to the sky) I got two words for ya! SUCK IT!" Mankind comes to the ring with PMS!?! That's what the font said but no PMS showed. Mr. Ass makes the first mistake and shows Mankind his G-stringed butt for a beating. Gunn is able to get a upper hand back and goes outside the ring and takes FOREVER to get a chair. Inside the ring Mankind is waiting with Socko and gets it on Gunn for the win.

Jeff Jarrett on tape is the next to get me worked up. In another tearfull interview he says Owen had alot of integrity in a industry where there isn't alot.

D'Lo Brown/Mark Henry vs Accolytes.
Accolytes had the match dominated but in the end D'Lo won it with a simple Roll Up Pin on Bradshaw after he accidentally kicked Farooq.

Intercontinental Title Match: Road Dogg vs Godfather.
Road Dogg worked the mic for Owen and when Godfather hit the ring with his ho's he offered for Road Dogg to go downtown and kick it with him and the ho's in memory of Owen instead of wrestle. Road Dogg agreed with a, "Let's go burn one and tell some Owen stories."

Al Snow vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley w/Chyna.
This is a non-Hardcore Title match. If I had to guess the feelings these guys were exhibiting thru their body language I would've said they are out to hurt somebody to alleviate their pain of losing Owen. HHH clearly not connecting with some Gut Kicks in the corner proved me wrong. :( Al Snow missed a Moonsault which enabled HHH to get in his Pedigree for the win.

Big Show vs Goldust w/Blue Meanie.
Goldust tried to sick Meanie on Big Show who got in about 10 Forearms to Big Show's chest with zero effect. Big Show set-up to Choke Slam Meanie but Goldust made the save with a Hi-C from behind. 2 moves later, Big Show Choke Slams Goldust and Blue Meanie and then pins both men for the win.

Val Venis vs The Rock.
Huge crowd pop for The Rock! Rocky and Val both work the mic for Owen and The Rock dedicates The People's Elbow to Owen. Once again, 2 moves later, The Rock hits his Rock Bottom and follows with The People's Elbow for the pin and win.

Show closes with Steve Austin in the ring toasting some beers to a picture of Owen on the Titan-tron. God Bless you Owen Hart. I'll miss you too.

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