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Viitord Lounge

Please, pull up a chair and tell others what you think about my page, traveller. This tome is dedicated to the thoughts of people not unlike yourself who wished to share what they think about my Domain. All responses mailed to me ( will be posted as soon as possible. Thank you, dear reader, for your time and temperance with my personality.
Send Your Thoughts Here

11-9-00 From:

Hiya...Nestor... You told me to write this. You didnt have a guest book! WTF is wrong with Im joking babe. You know I love yah lots.. Muahs! ::Licks Nestor all over:: Anyways... U have too much time if u really wanna like sit there one day. And type all of that Anyways. I love yah babes your good at what yah do. Never stop
Ingrid aka Ingy aka Kitten


I really think you're work is good. Its really nice use of language. Now I see why you made a web page of it. I didnt read them all I am about to go to bed I read a couple. I will check more out tomorrow. You are a great writer. And as a poet I dont lie to another poet. I am honest. Cause I like people being honest with me. Doesnt writing poetry give a great release!? :) byeee ttyl


Hello, i read your profile and went to your website and i just wanted to say, I thought it was awesome