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Pokemon TCG Price list (Jungle)

  • 1, Clefable,8.00,RH,15.00
  • 2, Electrode,7.00,RH,14.00
  • 3, Flareon,8.00,RH,15.00
  • 4, Jolteon,11.00,RH,15.00
  • 5, Kangaskhan,7.00,RH,14.00
  • 6, Mr. Mime,8.00,RH,14.00
  • 7, Nindoqueen,8.00,RH,12.00
  • 8, Pidgeot,8.00,RH,13.00
  • 9, Pinsir,7.00,RH,12.00
  • 10 ,Scyther,11.00,RH,15.00
  • 11, Snorlax,9.00,RH,14.00
  • 12, Vaporeon,11.00,RH,15.00
  • 13, Venomoth,9.00,RH,14.00
  • 14, Victreebel,8.00,RH,13.00
  • 15, Vileplume,10.00,RH,12.00
  • 16, Wigglytuff,10.00,RH,15.00
  • 17, Clefable,5.00,R,7.00
  • 18,Electrode,5.00,R,6.00
  • 19,Flareon,6.00,R,7.00
  • 20,Jolteon,6.00,R,7.00
  • 21,Kangaskhan,4.50,R,7.00
  • 22,Mr. Mime,4.00,R,7.00
  • 23,Nindoqueen,5.00,R,7.00
  • 24,Pidgeot,5.50,R,7.00
  • 25,Pinsir,5.00,R.6.00
  • 26,Scyther,5.50,R,8.00
  • 27,Snorlax,5.00,R,7.00
  • 28,Voporeon,6.00,R,7.00
  • 29,Venomoth,4.00,R,7.00
  • 30,Victreebel,4.00,R,6.00
  • 31,Vileplume,5.00,R,7.00
  • 32,Wigglytuff,5.00,R,7.00
  • 33,Butterfree,1.50,U
  • 34,Dodrio,1.25,U
  • 35,Exeggutor,1.00,U
  • 36,Fearow,1.00,U
  • 37,Gloom,1.00,U
  • 38,Lickitung,1.25,U
  • 39,Marowak,1.00,U
  • 40,Nidorina,1.00,U
  • 41,Parasect,1.00,U
  • 42,Persian,1.00,U
  • 43,Primeape,1.00,U
  • 44,Rapidash,1.50,U
  • 45,Rhydon,1.00,U
  • 46,Seaking,1.00,U
  • 47,Tauros,1.00,U
  • 48,Weepinbell,1.00,U
  • 49,Beelsprout,0.25,C
  • 50,Cubone,0.25,C
  • 51,Eevee,0.25,C
  • 52,Exeggcute,0.25,C
  • 53,Goldeen,0.25,C
  • 54,Jigglypuff,0.25,C
  • 55,Mankey,0.25,C
  • 56,Meowth,0.25,C
  • 57,Nidoran,0.25,C
  • 58,Oddish,0.25,C
  • 59,Paras,0.25,C
  • 60,Pikachu,0.25,C
  • 61,Rhyhorn,0.25,C
  • 62,Spearow,0.25,C
  • 63,Venonat,0.25,C
  • 64,Poké Ball,0.25,C
  • A Promo Pikachu was accidentally (??) put in many packs. He is worth $30 to $50 or so (if 1st. Edition).

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