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"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." - Charles A. Beard
My Blessings: Before anything else...I wanna give a mad love shout out to a very important friend in my life, M you know who are. I love you babe and I got your back kid. I love you for how accepting you are, of me and of people in general. For how bright and intelligent you are. For the wit you possess and the laughter you bring about. Another kid just like me....Te quiero asi de alta y asi de flaca. You know where to find me...same place I`ve always been. I finally got my eyes open boo boo. Hold down the fort. Say hi to your little man for me. Another mad shout out to another very important person in my life (believe it or not but you`ve helped a lot ladygirl) to Salvigirl
Thank you for putting up with me cus I know I can be a lot sometimes and thus far you`ve matched my energy even when you havent been feelin all there. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do boo boo and hope to one day be able to give you a big big tremendous hug. I love you kiddo. Smile for it would be a waste for you not to smile. Thank You Ivi!! AND last but certainly not least....the Queen from the West, the one and only Elisa. Woman, we have been through a lot these last few years...and guess what? I don`t regret any of it one bit. From the springbreaks to the conferences to all that`s been all good. Thanks. And babe...I wish you the best, but you already know that. Acuerdate....cuando quieras aqui estoy. If you need a shoulder to cry on...You know the rest.



Sagittarius:Nov. 22 - Dec. 21 As the Archer shoots an arrow into the air, so does Sagittarius harvest Scorpio`s raw energy and direct it toward a goal. Sagittarians are the zodiac`s explorers and teachers, its zealous advocates fighting to expand and preserve culture. Half man, half horse, the Sagittarian Centaur symbolizes the potential for unifying the animal and the spiritual components of humanity. Sagittarians try to create unity from duality. On the wheel of the zodiac, Sagittarius is directed opposite Gemini, and the restless archer shares certain characteristics with the Twins. Both are curious, fascinated by ideas, and enchanted by information. Both are adventurers, hating all things routine or methodical. Both want to break parochial confines and be citizens of the world. But as the astrologer Dane Rudhyar once observed, "Gemini has tolerance but no real understanding; whereas Sagittarius can have understanding even when most intolerant." Archers crave variety, whether in people, countries, or cultures. But even as they quest for experience, they are seldom satisfied with what they find. For Sagittarians, the point in life is the voyage rather than the discovery. The outcome never seems to match the richness of the process. Still, Archers love to travel and explore, mentally as well as literally. Geminis are the flitting mental prestidigitators of the zodiac, but Sagittarians are the true philosophers. They are fascinated by systems of thought and ways of organizing information. They delight in the diversity of different cultures and disciplines--even when they view them, as they usually do, with a skeptical eye. They are also the collage artists of the intellect; they can encompass many unrelated interests and neglect none of them. They are tireless in pursuing knowledge to its outermost boundaries and sometimes beyond. Sagittarians are apt to be workaholics. They are the scientists who never leave the lab, the composers and writers who labor late into the night. They burn to know and communicate what they know. But their work cannot be regimented by the artificial constraints of time clocks or bureaucratic routines. The Centaur`s gait has its own unfettered rhythm. Learning is Sagittarians` passion; teaching is their gift. The curious Archers are researchers and investigators--amassing all sorts of information, sorting it, and reprocessing it to make it accessible to those less mentally gifted than themselves. Best of all, they are able to pass on, not only their knowledge, but their love of learning. Denied travel, Sagittarians can take deep inner journeys and transform them into art. The mental traveler emerges as storyteller in the work of such independant, if reclusive, nineteenth-century writers as Sagittarians Emily Dickenson, Jane Austen, and Louisa May Alcott. Less-structured Sagittarian men of the same and earlier eras turned their actual journeys into great literature. Mark Twain, Joseph Conrad, Jonathan Swift, and Gustav Flaubert were all born under the Archer`s aegis. Perhaps the avatar of Sagittarius was poet-artist William Blake. Indulging the Sagittarian love for working in more than one medium, Blake used words and paint in his assault against all that would confine or limit the human mind. But despite their questing spirits, Sagittarians lack the vast energy and untamed force of Scorpios. Archers are innovative, but not revolutionary. For all their restlessness, they have a deep-rooted regard for conventions and customs. They value respectability, prestige, security, and comfortable surroundings. They may travel far and wide, but they want a pleasant home awaiting their return. Evolved Sagittarians are serious, but jovial--even madcap at times. They are honest, and reliable. Exuberant but seldom compulsive, Sagittarians are interesting and amiable companions and lovers. When they are able to overcome their tendency toward intolerance, Sagittarians represent humankind`s greatest potential for harmony and balance.


::Writing L.O.G.::
Life On the Go

The daily routine we call work. Work by any other name would still be work!! Can`t live with it, can`t live without it. Gotta love it. Without it I wouldnt be able to buy all the cds that I buy, so I guess it`s what you might call a Beautiful Pain Plus, it`s helped me realize a few things in the process . . . mostly about determining other people`s character - whether they got any or not!!
March 22nd:
Another month in the books people!! There will never be another March 2003 so I hoped ya`ll made the best of it. This month brought about a lot different good things in various ways, at least for me. First off . . . my parents celebrated their 25th anniversary (Considering what we`ve been through this is an accomplishment all in its self . . . . GOOD LUCK MAMI) Also, we found out that another pair of love birds were going to start their journey towards a bright - and let`s pray beautiful - union. My little sis, Ivonne is engaged to her high school sweetheart of 4 yrs. This is what I have got to say: Ivonne . . .t hrough thick and thin we have been and tho plenty setbacks have made their way into our lives, I wanna let you know that your big brother is here for you. And even tho we have not seen eye to eye all the time (Brotherly Love) know that there is nothing I wouldn`t do for you or Mirna or Juan Carlos and you know this. Good luck and don`t worry about what the haters say . . . I know it`ll be ok. You did right for once (jk) Congrats baby sisto. Your big bro. Ps: Please don`t move to will be too boring here without you and lord knows I can`t be silly enough for both of us. I need ya. Something else just as wonderful happened to me this month, and that is . . . I met an inspiring (and yes you are) and amazing woman. To you I have got this to say: Even tho our parents sacrifized a lot for us and poured blood, sweat and tears to see us through to our goals . . . know that they didn`t do it expecting to be repaid. That was never their intention. They did it out of love. That unconditonal love we keep hearin about. And altho we want to repay them, we have got to live for ourselves. The best way to repay them is to be a good son or daughter. Keep that in mind. Live your life to the fullest and never lose sight of God. And even when you think God isn`t there (we`ve all had setbacks) there will always be someone there. I have not known you for too long . . . but in the short time that I have . . . you will never be forgotten. You as well as a few other people (and y`all know who you are) You are an amazing woman . . . and all those late late LATE night conversations can prove it. You are mos def worth it. Don`t lose sight of your goals (and I know you wont) aight murusha??? Cuidate. And don`t worry I won`t tell any about your ****** **** . . . . I`m takin that to the grave with me, ok? I still think it`s beautiful tho. lol . . . aight I`ll stop here. Ps if you think you know Pac...hit her up so she can Herb you!! She been droppin science since 1985 (wink . . .l ol) LONG LIVE THE UNDERGROUND!! WORD!! MAD SHOUT OUT TO THE SALVADOREAN QUEEN HOLDING THE EAST UP....IVI, KEEP YOUR HEAD UP LADYGIRL!!
::The Beginning::
Yo Whut Whut?!?! What up Fam, this yo boy J from the one and only City of ANGELS !! Reppin 213-N-818 to tha fullest. Before I go on I must stress that I ain`t got time for HERBS so if you down with the herbs...stay DOWN with the HERBS , feel me? Nuff said!! Holla!! So Who AM I?!?!?
See the jungle up there? That`s my stomping grounds. I grew up a small fish in a big stream in a city.......named Los Angeles. Thats right, the "City of Angels." The first city I knew, the last I`ll ever forget. My heart and soul lie here, as they have these past 23 years. In order for you 2 understand who it is I am and what it is that makes me tick...You`ll need 2 know where i came from - my Roots. Only by knowing where it is I come from will I be able 2 understand and realize and help you visualize where it is I am going. So if you got time to meet the Kid, strap on them safety belts and enjoy the ride.
Love, Peace and NAPPYness!! Like i said before I`m 23 years old (and still wet behind the ears) I`m a simple, honest kinda guy, my parents raised me right. Put morals in my head, taught me to watch what I said. Told me RESPECT.... is earned not given. They also taught me that there is a HIGHER BEIN`, so I best not be sinnin`. I like to relax to the max AND yes that`s a fact!! I`m very open minded...and when it comes to money...I`m never blinded. With greed you can`t suceed, can`t proceed to raise seeds. Family oriented? Yes indeed!! . I guess you could say I`m waiting for that one person that makes my heart wanna flip and do a 360, all while still pumpin` kool aid red blood through my veins. You know...the one person who I plan to grow old and wrinkly wit. So if you out there: forget the "I ain`t on here to hook up wit no one" ish and holla at the Kid, aight? A wise someone once told me..."it`s the small things that count and it`s the same small things that help the world go round." I wish I could remember who it was, so I could thank `em and let `em know that they were speaking volumes when they spoke this. This has been my motto ever since I could remember and if you could take any part of my page witchu...I hope this is it. Keep this in mind, body and soul. I can be a bit immature sometimes. Scratch that...I can be a bit playful (hmmm maybe more than just a bit) I like to have fun and since I didn`t have much time for that when I was younger (I was busy lookin` out for my lil sisters - who by the way ain`t so little anymore, at least age wise) I`m makin up for it now. But, don`t judge me by that alone, that ain`t all me. There is more to me "THAN MEETS THE EYE" (I know ya`ll remember the TRANSFORMERS!!!) I ain`t much of a clubber but I been known to shake my thang every now and then and make special appearances here and there, YOU KNOW HOW WE DO!! Tried the c-walkin thing (here in Cali we don`t play when it comes to that) but that just wasn`t me plus I realized that shit ain`t to be played wit, feel me?. Got the Salsa in the blood, but I ain`t found no one yet that can really teach me a thing or two and spice things up, so that leaves B-boying.You might call us something else, pendin` where you call home....
. . . . . . . .
In most places I believe the term still stands but they also call usBackpackers,Underground Heads,Breakers, and whatever you use in your neck of the woods. In any case, we`re those people (not me.....yet, key word=yet) that spin on their heads and backs and do flips and all kinds-a-crazy ish. Another thin I`m big HONESTY.I like honest people. People you can count on and don`t have to worry `bout them talkin ish behind your back (not that I care anymore) People that don`t FRONT anything while playing the BACKside, feel me? They are who they are...period! I mean c`mon people, if you can`t even be honest on this dayumn thing - where no one knows you or most don`t even care `boutchu - then imagine what your reality must be like? THINK ABOUT DAT!! I`m also an avid believer that everything is everything and at the top of everything is RESPECT (To regard; esteem; honor; revere) . You kno` the song, so don`t get it twisted. WithoutRESPECT ish is just gonna crumble at your feet, believe me...for the sake of the world. A little moreRESPECTand this world might (or might not) be in the situation it finds itself in. Remember that too!! And one more thing....Negative people...the HERBS...dont bring that karma here. I ain`t got time for that. Let`s talk about building and I`ll ask you how high? Let`s talk about helping and I`ll ask you how? But, if you ain`t contributing anything to this existence we call reality, and all you doing is leeching from this life - taking while never giving back - BACK UP OFF ME!! I aint got time for you and yo,urs. WORD!! Remember come at me honest...and you`ll get honest. I ain`t trippin`. Aight ya`ll...that`s the 411 wit the quickness, make your day a productive one aight? Aight then!! I`m outzzzzz.... PS: Women all into they looks and other peoples looks (read: the superficial ones)....don`t bother hollerin` at me, tampoco tengo tiempo `pa ustedes. sorry, just keep lookin` (lol). But if you a slightly shy and a bit of a bookworm with a strong independent mind, hey, I promise I will not disappoint. Let`s learn together.

::Writer`s Block::

At my coldest, I spit ice crystals when I whistle Rise above like mist and steam Then collect in cool pools that ripple I am... Water Personified God`s Son is who I sound like Feed my seed of life to the multitudes So they can see life better Doesn`t that make me Christ-like? I am... Water Collecting the inner animals of you in twos And shipping you to new beginnings 40 days and 40 nights of hard water Mixed with Moese As I... Part my lips Use my speech to Teach you that peace lies on the other side of my wisdom Give you... Hope and OVERstanding to stand on Give you... Rocks of salvation to land on I am... Water Spewing amethyst and blue From the neck of Aquarian pitchers Look upon my surface and see the world in prophetic pictures Spirits of sunken slaves saved from the misery of the middle passage The place I call Atlantis I am... Water Sent here to cleanse you of the residue That collects on you Misdirects you Has all kinds of adverse effects on you Infects you through and through Don`t you wanna drink what I`m drippin? Don`t you wanna sip on somethin upliftin`? I ain`t sayin I can save you I am just a passage, an exodus from hard living.. Water.....

Woe is me, not literally, but metaphorically speaking. Don`t know if i`m rising or sinking. But i`m underwater, thinking of dryer places, higher places. Sullen faces illustrations of empty spaces. Pacing in time in anger and rhyme, without reason, just mimes, condemed to uncertainty. Unwilling to trust, just pass me the life preserver before my lungs combust. For woe is me, not literally, but metaphorically speaking. Don`t know if i`m rising or sinking. But i`m underwater.


"I am not now, what i was yesterday. I am not now, what I shall be tomorrow. So, you do yourself an injustice to judge me by yesterday, when I have moved on." -"The Masta"- Freddie Foxxx

By the me some love and sign the guestbook. Soon as i get some time I`ll shine some love your way. Love Peace and NAPPYness!! (again, in case ya`ll forgot already)
and some pics...
