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Zelda Walkthrough



Talk to Saria

Collect Rupiees

Find the Kolkiri Sword

Find the Deku Shield

Obtain the Piece of Heart on the shop's Roof

You must have the The Kolkiri Sword and the Deku Shield in order for Mido to allow you access to the Deku Tree.

The Kolkiri Sword is located on the bottom of the map in a through crawl space. Avoid the large boulder by running behind it. The sword is in the big chest at the very bottom of the map.

Purchase a shield from from the shop for 40 rupiees.

To get to the lost entrance to the Lost Woods simply climb the vines on the side of the cliff behind the house where the guy is pulling on the rocks. There is also a blue rupee directly behind this house.

Get 30 rupees by running straight accross the three blocks with squares on them in the stream.

Did you know? - You can slash the signs and break 'em.



Obtain the Slingshot, Compass, Map

Defeat Gohma

Climb the ladder near the entrance, follow the path to the chest with the map in it.

Remember you can climb walls that look like they have vines on them.

Use the slingshot to kill the Skulltula Spiders, open the door with the eye above it, and to knock the ladder off of the wall in the room in which it is found.

Use Deku Sticks to light torches by passing fire from one torch to another. To prevent losing Deku Sticks press "A" before the stick burns out.

To break through the webbing on the first floor, climb to the third floor and jump outward toward the heart floating in the air. You will plunge downward toward the web and break it.

In the room you fall into after breaking through the web, there is a torch. Light a Deku Stick and carry it over to the wall with the spider web on it and light it on fire. This will allow you access to the door. If you fall into the deeper water you will have to start over.

In the room with the platform and a rolling spiked log, dive into the water to activate a submerged switch.

In the room with the three Deku Scrubs (Leafy guys that spit Deku Nuts) remember to reflect their Nuts in 2-3-1 order. This means you hit the second guy first, the third guy second, and the first guy on the left last. Remember to talk to him when leaves his hole.

When you see a block and a groove, push the block into the water, then jump across and light a Deku Stick, jump back and light the web on the floor to get to the second floor basement.


After defeating the three Deku Scrubs enter the chamber where Gohma is. Use the top "C" button to look around at the ceiling. When you are spotted the attack will comence. When Gohma is on the ground break a Deku Nut infront of it and slash it with the sword. It will drop three baby Gohmas. Destroy these and Gohma will return to the floor. Use the same Deku Nut then slash technique until the giant spider is vanquished. You will receive the Spiritual Stone and a Heart Container.

From the Kolkiri Village you will travel across a bridge and talk with Saria again. She gives you the Fairy Ocarina and teaches you her song. After leaving the Kolkiri Village you will enter Hyrule Field. You should go directly to the Castle, but you may want to stop at Lon Lon Ranch to look around. If it turns to nighttime while you are wandering in the field zombies will emerge. Two hits defeats them. During the night the drawbridge to the Castle and Town will be retracted. You will have to wait until morning to enter.


Talk to Malon

Return the White Dog to its owner in the Alley for Heart Container Piece

Obtain a Mask From the Mask Shop


Temple of Time

Mask Shop

Bombchu Shop

Potion Shop

Shooting Gallery

Treasure Chest Contest

Bombchu Bowling


How to Win Big at Bombchu Bowling - I don't know if this has anything to do with anything but I entered the Bombchu Bowling Alley at night with the white dog following me. I found a system to win on every try. As soon as you see the first target fire a Bombchu. As soon as you see the next target, if its in the middle high, then immediately fire a Bombchu. If its on the right or left, get on the fifth black line from the wall and aim a Bombchu at a 45 degree angle to the wall. It will guaranteed hit the target. You may miss once and have to adjust your angle. As soon as wall in front of the last target is falling fire a bombchu it will go right past the chickens. I won all of the prizes this way. Very rarely used more than 5 Bombchu. You will get a Big Bomb Bag Here, and a Heart Container Piece.

Located just past the drawbridge is a room full of pots. Break all these to get plenty of rupees and hearts.

The Mask Shop will not be open for business when you first arrive but later in the game it will be.

Selling the Masks - Sell the Keaton Mask to the soldier standing guard near the Gate to Death Mountain Trail. Sell the Skull Mask to the dancing man in the lost woods. Sell the Spooky mask to the kid in walking around in the Graveyard. Sell the Bunny Ears mask to the running man in Hyrule Field. Keep the Mask of Truth. You can't sell any of the other masks. (that I know of).

During the Night find the white dog behind the stand where all the people were gathered around in the day. It will follow you. If you take it to the woman in the alley she will give you a Heart Container Piece.


Get the egg from Malon.

Avoid the Guards

Wake up Talon

Infiltrate Castle

Meet Zelda

Learn Zelda's Lulliby (Important) and Get her Letter.

Enter the secret Great Fairy's Cave.

You must get caught by the guards once in order to be kicked out of the castle and meet Malon. She will give you the weird egg. Use the weird egg to wake Talon when you see him.

The best path through the castle grounds without being caught is: Climb the vine on the wall next to Malon. Walk past the castle gate and jump onto the path. Turn left down the path then cut across the lawn behind the two soldiers keeping watch and in front of the other pair. Keep moving to the northwest until you encounter another wall with vines on it. Climb that wall and jump into the moat. Swim in the moat until you reach a small triangular landing. Get out of the water and follow the path to the door. You will not be able to open the door. Talon may be there sleeping. If you waited until morning for the weird egg to hatch you can show him the chicken and he will wake up. After he is gone, move the blocks in the groove so that they fall into the water and stack on top of each other. Climb the blocks and jump onto the far ledge with the water trickling out. Crawl into the passage. you must enter the passage durning the day or you will not be able to continue further. If it is daytime, you will see soldiers patrolling the grounds. Avoid the soldiers by hiding behind bushes, ledges, fountains, etc. It's best not to try to get the rupees between the two hedges. You will most likely get caught. Once you enter the castle you will meet Zelda.

You may notice a boulder sitting in a dead end past the castle entrance gate. When you have bombs, destroy the boulder and you will open up a passageway to The Great Fairy of Courage. She will give you Din's Fire. Later on you can enter the cave to refill your energy.

After you learn the Song of Storms go to the tree by the corner of the fence where you just get out of the moat. Play it there and a secret cave will open. I think there is a Gold Skulltula in there.



Obtain Hear Container Piece from dancing Man

Obtain the Bullet Bag

Purchase Ability to Hold More Deku Sticks

Shoot target hanging in tree to gain ability to get the Bullet Bag.

Plant Magic Bean in square of soft earth.

The correct path through the Lost Woods to the Sacred Forest Meadow is: Right, Left, Right, Left, Straight, Left, Right.

There is a Warp to Goron's City in the Lost Woods.

When you have bombs blow up conspicuous boulders to reveal hidden chambers underground.



Find the secret room with the purple rupee.

Learn Saria's Song Once you learn Saria's Song you will be able to contact her anytime during the game.


Bash into many of the tall trees to reveal items. The Brown trees almost always have something in them or near them under the ground.

Blow up boulders to reveal hidden caves.


Later on in the room with all the chickens in it you will be able to play a find the super cuckoo game. If you find all his super cuckoos in the time alloted he will give you a bottle of milk.

There is a Gold Skulltula on the window of Talon's house at night.

If you bash the tree by Talon's house a Gold Skulltula will fall out.



Put all the wandering Cuccos into Cucco Lady's Pen.

Drain the Well. (after 7 years)

Present Zelda's Letter to the Guard.

To drain the well you must play the Song of Storms in front of the Music Man inside the windmill.

There is a gold Skulltula on the tower in the center of town at night.

Located just past the tree with the circle of weeds around it is a small field of grass. Bomb here to reveal a secret passage. There are two zombies inside. Defeat the zombies and a chest with a "Huge Rupee" will appear. It is worth two hundred rupees. Too bad video gamer X already had 200 rupees when he found it.



Obtain the Melody of the Sun

Play the Digging Game at night.

At the top most point of the graveyard (The Area Where it is Raining) there is a secret room under the Royal Family Tomb. To enter you must play Zelda's Lulliby in front of it. A lightning bolt will destroy the tomb and leave behind a gaping hole.



Open Dodongo's Cavern

Meet with the Great Fairy.

Blow up The Boulders to reveal Hidden Areas.

There are a bunch of boulder just past the flag that are blocking the path to the top of death mountain, use bombs to destroy these. There is a boulder on a ledge just past these that will reveal a secret chamber with recovery hearts, rupees, and a cow.

There is a hidden cave just before the entrance to the Goron City. There is a fairy pool inside.

The Great Fairy of Power is inside a hidden cave right next to the entrance to the volcano on Death Mountain. She will give you a more powerful spin attack.

To open Dodongo's Cavern you must toss a bomb from the upper level to the cave entrance below. If you aim properly you will destroy the stone obstructing his cavern.

There are at least four Gold Skulltulas scrittering around at night in this region.

To get the Goron's Bracelet play Saria's Song for king Darunia and he will give it to you.


There is a Gold Skulltula on one of the two small pillars where you get the Fire Arrow at night.


Use the chicken to float down to the cliff at the bottom of the ravine with a Magic Bean planting spot, a cow, and a man. I don't remember if the chicken was available earlier in the game, but it was there when I went back to Gerudo later.

As soon as you enter Zora's River you will encounter a circle of stones, and a cucco. Play the Song of Storms in the circle to make a hole appear. Inside the cave you will find two Deku Scrubs who will sell you a Green or Red Potion for 40 rupees.

Just near the aforementioned Heart Contaner Piece is a gold Skulltula on a ladder at night.

There is a warp to the Lost Woods right near the waterfall.

As you explore the river you will notice a couple of logs in the water. If you stand at the end of the water a message about frogs staring at you in the water will come up. If you take out the ocarina they will jump out of the water and for each note you play a frog will jump out of the water. If you play a song for them they will reward you with something. Here is a list of what they give you.

Zelda's Lulliby - 50 Rupees

Saria's Song - 50 Rupees

The Song of Time - 50 Rupees

Bolero of Fire - Nothing

The Sun's Song - Frog's Grow Bigger, 50 Rupees

Epona's Song - 50 Rupees

Minuet of Forest - Nothing

Prelude of Light - Nothing

Song of Storms - Heart Container Piece

Serenade of Water - Nothing

Help the frogs catch the bugs and you will get another Heart Container Piece.

If you fall into the river you will collect many rupees.

You must play Zelda's Lulliby in front of the waterfall in order to pass further.


If you turn left in king Zora's Room you will encounter a zora that will ask you to play a diving game. Play the game and get all the rupees in the time alloted and you will be rewarded with a silver scale.

There is a warp to Lake Hylia under the water. You must have the silver scale in order to reach it.


Jabu-Jabu will not open his mouth unless you have a fish. To get a fish you can either purchase one from the store in Zora's Domain, The Market, or get one for free in a hidden cave underneath a boulder located near the drawbridge. You must use a bomb to destroy the boulder. Use a bottle to catch a fish that is swimming in a puddle. Take the fish to Jabu-Jabu. He will suck you inside.


Use Princess Ruto to weight down switches.

Obtain the Map.

Obtain the Compass.

Obtain the boomerang. (Very Useful in this Level)

In the first room you must shoot the yellow thing on the ceiling with your slingshot to open the door.

Approach Princess Ruto and let her fall through the hole. Talk to her then carry her.

In the room with the strange fish that attack you when they are touched you must first throw Ruto on the other ledge then hit the switch to raise the water.

Use Ruto and Link's weight combined to open the switch by the electric tenticles that emerge from the ground.

To activate a switch when Princess Ruto is gone grab the crate and place it on the switch to keep the door open.

In the room with a bunch of Jelly Fish (Biri) there is a platform where these is a transparent membrane or web blocking your ability to hit the switch on the ceiling. To hit the switch you will have to lock onto in with "Z" and position Link so that he can throw the boomerang freely. The boomerang will go around the barrier and hit the switch with ease. The key is getting Link on the left edge of the platform, and keeping him at attention on the switch. This will open the door to the Boss' Room.


The Bio-Electric Anemone Baranade is more bark than bite. The boomerang is vital to defeating it. Lock onto electric tenticles with "Z" and destroy those with the boomerang. Lock on to the center and attack it with the boomerang. Remember to keep moving in order to avoid the electric shocks. When it turns a blueish-purple color then slash at it with your sword as fast as possible. Repeat as necessary. When you defeat the baranade you will get a Heart Container and will meet up with princess Ruto who will give you the final spiritual stone.

7 Y E A R S L A T E R


Getting the horse - Ahh, Yes, the top request among fans who visit this site is "How do I get the Horse?" Well, it's real easy. Go to Lon Lon Ranch and talk with Ingo. He will ask you to pay 10 rupees to ride the horses. Give him the rupees then while your in the corral play Epona's Song on the Ocarina. Epona will walk up. Get on the horse and then walk up to Ingo and talk to him again. He will ask you if you want to race and wager 50 rupees on it. Respond yes to this, and you will begin the race. Beat him twice and he will give you Epona. The problem is, he wont let you out of the ranch. You will have to jump over the fence blocking your way out of Lon Lon Ranch. You now have the Horse. You're welcome, to the myriads who asked about it on 11/28-11/30


You will find a hidden cave with a Gold Skulltula inside, across the bridge and just to the right of the Ganon's Castle/Market area next to a green tree.

There are many hidden caves scattered across Hyrule Field, to find them you can either discover them with the Stone of Agony, Lift rocks, play the Song of Storms. Inside you may find, Gold Skulltulas, Rupees, Gossip Stones, Heart Container Pieces, Deku Scrubs who sell you something, cows, butterflies (which can turn into faries with a Deku Stick).


There is a hidden chamber underneath the tombstone with the red flowers just past the big sign in front of the grave yard. There is a Fairy Fountain inside as well.

To open the hidden entrance to Dampe's Labyrinth you must pull on the gravestone with the red flowers in front of it in the left most group of grave stones.

To get the Hookshot you must race dampe's ghost through the corridors of his underground labyrinth. Dodge his fires and you will make a good time.

After racing Dampe' the gravedigger's ghost in his underground grave your path will be blocked by a large stone with a sun on it. Play the melody of Time on the ocarina to make it disappear. This will give you acces to the windmill and a Heart Container Piece


If you bash into the tree with the plants around it you will cause a Gold Skulltula to fall out.

To Learn the Song of Strorms talk to the Music Man inside the Windmill. Show him the Ocarina. He will say that you played it years ago, but you never did, did you? Or maybe you did? It's that temporal thing, gets complicated. Ask Einstein about it some time.

Travel back in time via the Temple of Time and go back to the Music Man. Play the Song of Storms in front of him. The windmill will start spinning out of control and the Well will be drained.

Now enter the well as a child and you will be in the Well Dungeon.


Enter the crawlspace in the first chamber. In the next chamber kill the spider and go directly through the wall at the back.

Near a couple wooden beams there is an area to bomb.

In the room with all the coffins in it, light the switches to open the coffins. There is a small key located in the first one to your right.

When you arrive at a section where there is a head and a pair of hands with a triforce symbol on the floor, play Zelda's Lulliby in order to cause the water to go down.

The Lens of Truth is located beyond a crawlspace only accessable after you drain the water.

Before you get the Lens of Truth you will have to defeat a zombie with arms that come out of the ground and attempt to suck the life out of you. Just slash at the arms, then when you get a clear shot, hit the zombie with a flurry of sword slashes until he disappears again.

In the same room you fough the zombie there will be a chest containing a golden rupee (200 ct.) in it. You can only see it with the Lens of Truth.

Beyond a locked door is a Gold Skulltulla, there is an invisible ledge on the right side of this room.


You must use the hookshot in order to enter the Forest Temple by grappling onto the tree branch overhanging the entrance.

Mido will not let you pass deeper into the lost woods unless you play Saria's Song in front of him.

To get past the giant with the club blocking the Forest Temple you must watch the direction that the giant is going to club the ground and move to the other side to avoid the shockwave.



Obtain the Map, Fairy Bow, Compass, Boss Key, and Small Keys.

Make the Four Ghosts Appear over the torches in the Main Room.

Use The Fairy bow to trigger switches.

In the room to the northwest of the main area where the four ghosts were there are some vines you can climb. You can avoid being knocked off of them by killing the Skulltula Spiders with the Hookshot. You may not be able to reach the highest one though.

After the room with the Map in it, there is a balcony overlooking the room below. Stand on top of the railing and jump to the other balcony. Push the switch and you will drain the water out of the well. Enter the well and you will find a key.

In the Forest Temple there is a high room with arrows and blocks, push or pull the blocks in the direction of the arrows until they fall into the hole.

If you kill the hand that falls from the ceiling in the room after the twisty corridor you will get lots of rupees, sometime five or six red ones.

In the Forest Temple Make sure you climb the vines in the very first room, then use the hookshot to grapple onto the chest with the key in it on the other tree branch. The Gamer X didn't even notice the vines on the wall until he walked around in circles through the Temple looking for another key to open the door after the twisty corridor.

In order to defeat both Stafos in the room where you get the bow you must kill the other one before it resurrects. When they are defeated you will get the Fairy Bow.

Use the Fairy Bow to shoot at the pictures of ghosts on the Wall.

To the Ghosts with the torches, Lock on with "Z" and Hold out your shield. The torch will bounce off and the ghost will appear, this is the time when you slash it. Repeat until defeated. The ghost will leave behind some arrows and make a chest with a key in it appear.

Use the Fairy Bow to hit the eye switches and straighten out the twisty corridors.

After the twisty corridor is straightened out go to the room with the multi-colored chest in it and open it. You will get a "Boss Key" to pen the chamber where the Boss is.

If you shoot the yellow eye in the tall room with the ladder, arrows, blocks, etc. a chest will fall from the ceiling containing a bundle of arrows.

In the main room with all the doors and four unlit torches shoot the eye above the sealed door to open it.

Make sure you keep going in the room where you first saw the stafos knights and breaking the pots for a fairy. This will prevent you from completly dying.

After you straighten out the first twisty corridor fall through the hole on the room where the "Boss Key" was. Fight the two flaming skull heads and the door will open. You now have access to that ledge overlooking the room with the Octorock, Giant Deku Plant, Little bridge, and river. Don't forget to kill the gold skulltula crawling on the wall near the pillars with the two recovery hearts on it.

In the first room to your right on that ledge after you kill that big Deku Plant (The plant that chomps at you) there will be a hand that you have to fight. You can't damage it when it is green. Slash at it with your sword. It will break apart into three small hands. Kill these and chest will appear containing another small key.

Go back onto the ledge and enter the door to your right. (It will be to your right as you exit the "Big Hand" room.) This leads back to the tall room with the arrows and blocks.

In order to access the door to the first two ghosts you must leave the first twisty corridor twisty. (That sounded strange didn't it) When you defeat the ghost with the blue flame you will get the compass. Open the locked door that is upstairs from the compass room. This will lead to another twisty room (not corridor). Continue forward. Kill the flying green flame ghosts, open the locked door, (You should have one key left.) and enter the room with the rotating platforms.

There is a switch that is iced over in the room with the rotating platforms. Position yourself so that you can shoot an arrow through the flame and into the iced over eye switch. This will cause the twisty corridor (which was straight) to turn twisty.

Fall through the hole in the twisty room and you will end up in a large corridor with a falling roof. Step on the switch to open the door.

There will be a room with five blocks and the picture of a ghost on them. You will have to assemble the blocks into the right image before you can continue further. Once the picture of the ghost (Amy) is aligned correctly then it will appear. Fight the ghost just like the other ones and the door will open. Enter the big room where the four torches are and there will be a final purple flame ghost.

The ghost will duplicate into four copies. Shoot the ghosts with your Fairy Bow. The one that spins is the one you attack. After you defeat it an elevator will appear. After you go down the elevator there will be a room with several exits. You must grab onto the wall in certain locations to make the room move. Push in a diagonal direction with the control stick. Once you push down the three switches the bars blocking the door to the Boss' Lair will be gone.


Phantom Ganon will come out of the picture and try to attack you with bolts of energy. Shoot him with the Fairy Bow while he is in the picture. On of the Ganon's is an illusion and the bolts really hurt so be careful. After about four hits from the arrow his horse will disappear and he will float around the room and try to blast you with bolts of energy. When he twirls his staff he will be shooting the energy that can be reflected back at him. Use the sword and reflect the energy back at him. Be careful because he can reflect it back too. When he's on the ground hit him as many times as possible. After defeating the Phantom Gannondorf the real Ganon will contact you and say that your skills are getting better but when you fight him it won't be so easy. You will get a heart container

After you defeat Phantom Ganon you will be teleported to the Realm of Sages where you will see Saria. She is the Sage of the Forest Temple. She will give you the Forest Medallion. "Saria will allways be your friend..."

At this point in the game you can return to The Temple of Time and meet Shiek again. He will tell you that you can use the Master Sword to travel though time. He will also teach you the Prelude of Light. This will give immediate access to the temple of Time. This is a good chance to go back to when you were a kid again and pick up anything you may have missed. Remember to plant the Magic Beans where the squares of soft soil are so that a plant will be there in the future. You might want to backtrack through some dungeons to see if you missed a Skulltula or two.


You must have an Adult Goron Tunic in order to enter Death Mountain Crater for an extended period of time. To get the tunic you can either travel back in time and buy one from the shop in the Goron City or you can put a bomb in front of the lonely Goron rolling around in the City. He will give you some information and the Goron Tunic. While you're there don't forget to kill the Gold Skulltula sitting on a part of the small platform suspended by ropes over the City.

When you have the Megaton Hammer break the rock in the circle of stones to reveal a secret cave with a chest of bombs in it. Its not really a big deal but for those of you who want to find every hidden room I figured I'd put it in.

There will be two stones blocking a cave. Break these with the Megaton Hammer to reveal a cave to the Great Fairy of Wisdom, she will increase you total magic by double.

To get across the broken bridge in the Death Mountain Crater you must use the Hookshot to grapple onto the wooden beam overhanging the bridge. Shortly after you do this Shiek will appear and teach you the Bolero of Fire. Use it to warp to Death Mountain Crater anyime.


Once you enter the Fire Temple, enter the first door to your left. You will encounter Darunia. He will tell you that Ganon is has reawakened some dreaded beast and is going to feed the Gorons to it as an example to others. He asks your help and leaves to go attempt to save his people himself.

On a ledge just to the right of where Darunia was is a switch and an imprisoned Goron. Hit the switch and open the cage. After you talk with him open the chest inside and get a small key. Use it to open the locked door in the room with the three torches and the flaming bats. On the other side of this room is a high ledge four pots on it. These contain bombs and fairies. Use this as a pit-stop if you run out of fairies. You will have to use the hookshot to reach this platform. You can grapple to the small grey pillar with the moon shape on it

After you unlock the door you will be in a room with a broken bridge and a locked door at the other end. There will be moving platforms on the floor. You can jump across the gap in the bridge in case you weren't sure. Jump onto the moving platforms to reach the other parts of the room. If you think your a badass then jump in the lava and walk up to the other platforms. In this room there is a brick landing with a square of bricks on the wall. Use a bomb to blow up the wall and a door will be revealed. Inside is an imprisoned Goron. He will give you a clue about some of the switches needing to be cut. There's another chest inside the cell with a small key in it. There is also another imprisoned Goron and a key on the opposite side of the room from the room you just exited.

Use the key you just got to open the locked door at the end of the broken bridge. You will be in a room with a chain-link fence and a hole that spews fire in the middle. Climb the exterior of the chain-link to acquire three recovery hearts on the left side. On the other side jump down to the ledge with the block on it and push the block until if falls off the edge on top of the hole that was spewing a flame. Jump on top of the block you just pushed.

You will be shot straight up into another room with a locked door. Once you open the door you will be in a room with an imprisoned Goron in it, and some flaming leech-like things. Across from the platform with the burning leeches is a platform with a switch and a big block. Jump over to the platform and push the block off the edge into the groove. Pull it all the way to the end of the groove. You will have to hit the switch then climb the chain-link fence above the block so you can get in the area where the flames are. You must hit the switch first in order to turn off the flames. Shoot the switch with your Fairy Bow from the second tier of ledges then simply climb onto the upper ledge and onto the chain-link. It's really easy to get disoriented when the game shows the animation of the switch activating so be careful. Video Gamer X almost pulled his hair out when he kept falling off the ledge when the animation was done. If you run out of arrows you can use the Hookshot to hit the switch. This will will lead to a ledge with a door on it.

You will enter a huge room with boulders rolling around in it. Watch out for the camera getting stuck out of view of Link. This room seems to have trouble with the camera angle. Press "Z" to fix it. You should find a switch and an imprisoned Goron. There will also be a Key in his cell. You will find another room with a switch, an imprisoned Goron, and a key. There is a part of this area where you will hear the skrittering of a Gold Skutulla behind a hidden wall. Blow up the wall to get to the gold Skulltula. There is a locked door in rolling boulder room that leads to a room with another locked door, a sealed door and three recovery hearts over a deep pit.

When you open the locked door you will enter a room with an L shaped pathway over the lava leading to chain-link platforms over lava. When you jump onto the platforms a bunch of flames will follow you. As your walking by take notice of the locked door on the elevated landing to your left. At the end of the platforms are some steps that lead to a cage with a big chest containing the map in it. Follow the caged chamber to a door. You will come out in the room with the deep pit underneath. Return to the chain-link platform room and go into the door at the end of the room on the first step of the staircase leading to where the caged map was.

You should be back in the room with the boulders rolling around in it, but this top you are on top of the platforms that you couldn't reach before. Navi will tell you that she hears Goron voices coming from a bumpy part of the platform. Blow a hole in it. The hole will lead to an imprisoned Goron and a Key. It will also open up the way back to the silver switch room and the block. Back in the rolling boulder room push down the switch on the platform and open the Goron cage at the other end of the room. There is a key there too so don't skip it. He will give you a clue about playing the ocarina in regions that you see on the map but can't get to.

Go back into the room with the chain-link platforms and the flames that chase you. Open the locked door that you took note of before. Walk down the hallway, open the door and enter a big chamber that has two rotating fire-spewing blocks. On the floor there is a kind of maze of flames that pop up out of the ground as you walk. At the end of the "maze" are four pots. Walk along the wall or the totem will spew fire at you. The maze will prevent you from getting to one side of the room. Make your way to the locked door and open it. (You should have one key left) You will enter a corridor with an imprisoned Goron in it. Once you open the door at the end of the corridor you will enter the other side of the flame maze that you couldn't get to. Push the switch down to turn off the big flames blocking the doorway to your left. There will be a fake door over the real door. Drop a bomb in front of it to blow it up.

Once you enter the real door you will encounter a flaming enemy (Mid Boss). Drop bombs in front of it to stop it from flying. Slash the enemy when it is on the ground walking around. It will jump back into the flames and start flying again. Repeat the process. The flames keep getting in the way of the camera making it difficult to see the enemy when it is on the ground so be careful. This room is plauged with severe camera angle difficulties. "Z" targeting doesn't help much. You can use the hookshot on it to stop it from spinning if you run out of bombs. When it is defeated the flames in the center of the room will go out and you can stand on the platform.

The platform will take you up to a small room with a door in it. When you go past the door you will be in a room with another silvery switch in it and flames preventing you from climbing a chain-link fence. Climb the wall and from above shoot the switch with the Hookshot or an arrow. Before the flames return climb the chain-link fence and there will be another door to your right.

After you enter the door you will be in a large caverous room with a deep chasm in the middle. There will be a switch you can push down, a curved staircase leading to a ledge, and a bunch of flames surrounding a treasure chest on that ledge. Push down the switch and walk carefully up the staircase. Video Gamer X made it on the first try and didn't fall into the chasm so I don't know what happens if you fall in there. If you make it in time you will get the Megaton Hammer. You will see a block with a face on it sticking partway out of the ground. Use the Megaton Hammer to smash it down. Fall through the hole you just made and you will enter a room with a short totem in the corner. Use the Megaton Hammer to bash it out of the way and reveal a door.

You will now be in a room with two small crates in the corner. two torches and a shallow pit with a short pillar at the front of it. If you pound the top of the little pillar with the Megaton Hammer the shallow pit will turn into a staircase. At the bottom of the staircase there will be a switch to open a door right in front of it but you will have to weigh it down with something. Go grab one of the crates from the corner of the room and put it on the switch. You will now be in a room just above the big room with the fire maze from before. There will be a block with a face on it in the room. Use the Megaton Hammer to smash it down to the room below.

After you fall into the room with the fire maze again, Climb the block onto the ledge with the rusted switch. Use the Megaton Hammer to pound it down, and the door will open.

You will now be in the room with the passageway between the two sections of the fire-maze room below you. There will be a block across on the other side of the passage-way. Take out the ocarina and play the Song of Time and the block will disappear and move to ground inside the passageway. There will be another rusty switch on the other side. Pound it down with the Megaton Hammer. It will open up an imprisoned Goron cell down in the passageway. He gives you a hint that there is a door near the entrance to the Temple that cannot be opened with bombs. Open the chest in this room to get a small key.

Rather than walk through the entire Temple to get to the first room, play the Bolero of Fire to get to the entrance and reenter the Temple from there. This might be a good time to stock up on faries and items in that first room from the beginning.

When you back in the first room of the Temple smash the totem on the right side of the stairway to reveal a locked door. When you open the door you will you will enter a room with some flaming bats and fire-leeches in it. Kill all these to open the door at the other end.

Once your in the next room, the floor will assail you with tiles, (Reminds me of "Link to the Past") After the floor tile stop attacking you there will be a creature at the back of the room that looks like it has some kind of scolix or sucking mouth. Curiosity will not be rewarded in this instance. It will suck you inside and take your shield and clothes. (No Link's not naked, but rather back to the green tunic.) Kill the thing to get your stuff back. After it is gone make sure to kill the Gold Skulltula on the wall.

Open the door on the left of the room, you will have to fight another one of those spinning flame enemies. This time use the Megaton Hammer to stop it from spinning. (I've got to say the camera in these rooms, sucks! Trying to hit the thing when it is behind orange flames is virtually impossible.) When you do defeat it, a chest will appear. It will have bombs in it. The door on the other side of this room will be unsealed now so you can open it, Unlock the entrapped Goron and get the "Boss Key"

Go back out into the first room of the Temple and then into the room with the broken bridge, moving platforms, flaming bats, etc. Go to the door with the big blue block above it. Stand on the ledge closest to the lava and play the Song of Time. Climb the block and enter the door that it had been hiding.

You will now be in a room with another angry floor and sucker-thing. The floor will start hurling tiles at you. There is a Gold Skulltula in this room at the back by the sucker-thing.

Now go all the way back to the flaming maze room, (You should know where this is by now) Stand on the big pillar/platform in the center of the room and pound down the block in the middle. This will cause an emense pillar to fall into a hole on the first floor, by where you first saw Daruina, a.k.a. the Fairy fill up room. Fall through a hole where you pounded the pillar down and you will be on the first floor again in front of a locked door. Open the door and you will be in Volvagia's Lair.


Volvagia will come out of one of the holes in the lava. Use the Megaton Hammer to play the mole game and after he emerges smash him in the head with it. After you do this, while he is on the ground slash at his head with the sword. He will encircle the room and try to burn you with flames. Just keep running in order to avoid the flames. Watch out for the lava holes though. For one of its attacks it will burrow into the ceiling and drop boulders on you. Once you smash and slash him, he will die and leave behind a Heart Container.

Death Mountain will erupt causing all the red clouds to go away and you will warp to the Chamber of Sages. Darunia will be there and tell you that he appreciates what Link did for them. As it turns out he is the great Sage of Fire. He will give you the Medalion of the fire spirits. "Don't forget you and I are now true brothers..."

Once you have the Megaton Hammer you can break those annoying big rocks all over the countryside that couldn't be destroyed with the bombs.

Click here for the second part of the walkthrough
