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Zelda Hints and tips

Get the Heart Piece from the Lake Hyila Doctor Easily

If you want to get the heart piece from that doctor at lake hylia do this:
Step 1: Make sure you have the Iron Boots, Hover Boots, and the Zora Tunic.
Step 2: Go inside the Doctors Lab.
Step 3: Now jump down in to the water.
Step 4: Put on your iron boots.
Step 5: Press START and put the Hover Boots on.
Step 6: Press B And Save The Game.
Step 7: When the start menu closes, the little cloud thing under Links Hover Boots will show up and Then that tingling noise comes up.(the noise when you do something like when you find a switch and it does something)
Step 8: You will float back up to the waters Surface.
Step 9: Now get out of the water.
Step 10: Press Start And put your Kokiri Boots on.
Step 11: Now, talk to the doctor and he will give you the heart piece.

Avoid Ghoma's pesky children

To avoid Ghoma from releasing her eggs AND knock her stunned at the same time, walk backwards in the opposite direction she runs after you hit her, without leaving the lighter center of the ring. Look up with you slingshot. As she prepares to release the eggs, her eye will turn red (labor hurts, right?). Shoot her now, and she will fall to the floor stunned already, and no eggs will fall! Now go and finish her!

Having Trouble with "Ending Music" trick?

If you are having trouble with the "Ending Music" trick in the codes section, this may help. To preform this trick sucsessfully, you must play a song for Pierre, the scarecrow BEHIND Bonooru. You can also use the joystick and R and Z to warp your song (for example, you can use the Simpsons tune). Then beat the game. When the game freezes at the end, every 1 minute the song will be played in a different insturment tune.

Tip on hidden walls in the Well

If you don't yet have the lens of truth, and you keep falling down those holes and keep messing up, well i have a helpful hint for you. To find out if there is a fake wall next to you, shoot a slingshot bullet or throw a bomb. If it is fake with a slingshot bullet, almost no flash will be made when it hits. If You use a bomb, it will of course fall down the hole. Hope this helps.

Defeating the Bosses

Queen Gohma:
You will find Gohma Inside the Deku Tree. When Gohma's eye Turns red shoot it with your slingshot to make her fall then keep slicing her eye with your sword.

King Dodongo:
You will find Dodongo in Dodongo's Cavern. When Dodongo opens his mouth to breath fire throw a bomb in it. When he falls to the ground use your sword on his head.

You will find Barinade Inside Jabu- Jabu's Belly. Keep your Distance from this guy. Lock onto the center of it and use your boomerang. It will unleash his jellyfish babies. Destroy the jellyfish. Hit Barinade in the middle to stun him and hit him with your sword.

Phantom Ganon:
You will find Phantom Ganon in the Forest Temple. When he Goes into the painting he will come out in another painting. Shoot him when he's In the purple portal. Do this three times and he will come out. Lock on to him and deflect his magic beams back at him with your sword. There will be some volleys during this so watch it. When he falls to the ground use your sword on him.

You will find Volvagia in the Fire Temple. When he pops out of The hole hit him with your hammer. When he's stunned hit it as many times as possible with your hammer. Avoid his fire and rock attacks. Repeat until he's dead.

You will find Morpha in the Water Temple. Lock onto Morpha's Nucleus and use your Longshot to bring it close. Use your sword on it. Avoid it's tentacles and you should beat easily.

Dead Hand:
You will find him in the bottom of the well and in the Shadow Temple. Let one of the hands grab you until the Dead Hand appears. Tap Buttons like crazy get the hand to let go. When the Dead Hand lowers its head use your sword.

Bongo Bongo:
You will find this bazaar beast in the Shadow Temple. Turn on your lens of truth and shoot the hands with your bow and arrows. He will fall and come toward you. Slice its eye to make him fall again. Keep slicing with your sword. Repeat until gone.

You will find Koume and Kotake in the Spirit Temple. Get out your Mirror Shield and deflect the ice or fire. If you deflect fire hit it at the ice witch. Same with deflecting ice. Then it will turn into Twinrova. Power up your shield with ice three time and shoot it at them. Repeat until dead.
Oh No, I'm stuck!

There are many places in the game that seem like there is no way around. These are a few of the situations:

Goron City (child): Darunia Is mad and won't let you have the bracelet. What to do?
Play Saria's song in front of him.

Kakariko village (adult): How do I get to Granny's potion shop in the "Blocked Off Courtyard"?
Simply go to the gate at the starting point of death mountain trail, Go to the potion shop on the right and walk past the shelves on the left. This will take you into the courtyard.

Zora's Domain (child): How do I get this big king Zora to let you see Jabu Jabu?
First beat the diving game to the left of the throne room. Then with the silver scale look for an underwater door in the domain. Go through the door and emerge at lake Hylia. After that dive and get the bottle.

Water Temple (adult): I beat Dark Link, got the longshot and searched the temple for hours, where do you get that last darn small key?
This one is pretty easy to overlook. In the room where you find the longshot, look behind the chest and play the song of time. After that, drop down the opening and float down the river...

Shadow Temple (adult): I can see the door to the boss but can't cross the pit, how do I get across?
To get across you need the fire aarow. (If you don't have it shoot the sun at daybreak on the plaque at Lake Hylia after beating Water Temple) Shoot one of the bomb flowers on the other side and the statue should fall and form a bridge.

Spirit Temple (adult): I see the entrance to the boss on my map but cant get past that Gigantic Statue. What do I do?
For this make sure you have already solved the puzzle on the top floor with the mirrors. Hookshot up to the platform that was lowered from the topand use the mirror shield to reflect the light. Shine it on the face of the statue for about 10 seconds and watch it melt off. After that just hookshot to the grid and it'll open.

Do I Need to play a song here?
In many places you need to play a song to open a door talk to a person etc. To find out just whip out your Ocarina and if a musical scale pops up you probably need to play a song to get a secret.
Hookshot Help
If you ever see someplace but can't get too it, try the hookshot. It graples on to treasue chests, rooftops, wooden torches, some ladders, some trees, boxes, hookshot targets, the scarecrow (after you play his song), and just about anything made of wood. I've used this trick a couple of times. To get the heart piece in Gerdo forttress(before getting the Gerdo Card), on torces everywhere, and to get to treasure chests faster. You can also stun enemies or grab spiders.
Horse Help
I know when your first getting Epona it can get Annoying raceing because its your first time with a horse in Zelda. If your having this problem I have a hint which can help you in your race against Ingo. When you start the race use a carrot every two secands because this is the time when Ingo goes off to the side. Then when Ingo gets back on the track and your in front of him, place your horse in front of his and keep it there, then his horse slows down to your speed! Then when your carrots are back you can repeat this process until you win the both races!
Go where no Link has gone before
To get to the best spot to view Kakariko Village, start by using the longshot to get onto the roof of the house with the guy on top. From there, sling over to the windmill [hook onto that wood thing] and run to the top. Grab the chicken and use it to float to the house's roof with the white snowy stuff around the top and bottoms. Float from that house to the one next to the chicken barn. From there, you can float to the hill, and run to the top for your first great view. If you have a gameshark, use the 'hoverboots last forever' trick to get to the mountain opposite from this one.
Navi the Fairy Help
There are many times in this game to where Navi, the fairy would turn green and fly to a high unreachable platform. When you press Z for Z-Targeting, it won't do anything. Well this hint helps you get to those unreachable places. First learn the Scarecrow song. Then as an adult, when this problem comes up, try playing the scarecrow song because when you do, Pierre pops up. Then use your grappling hook to get to those non-reachable places. Examples you could do this is at the withches hut at lake Hylia so you can climb the ladder to the piece of heart or the fishing pond when there is no water. There are many other places, especially in temples.
A Bunch of Helpful Tips

If you need help with that Bug Eating Game that the Frog's of Zora's River put on, here it is: A, L, R, D, L, R, D, A, D, A, D, R, L, A. (L=left C, R=right C, and D=down C). You'll be rewarded w/ a piece of heart if you can play this easy song.

To defeat the final Ganon easier, just use Nayru's Love (this is like the only time you're gonna use it because you get it so late in the game) and pull out your Biggoron Sword and hit his tail.

Don't use any of the other masks when you collect all of them, just the mask of Truth. The other ones get crappy responses from other people. The only time I'd where a different masks is in the secret cave in the lost woods where all the baby Deku shrubs live. (where the mask of truth and talk to the stone to the left of the second gate as your sneeking into the castle, it will tell you who Shiek is [not directly, but I think you can deduce it]).

You know that piece of heart on that tower in Zora's River? Use your bomerang instead of the chicken to get it.

Don't even try to beat the running man in the gerudo tent because it cannot be done! Just Ask Dan from if you don't believe me.

There's a secret cave in the area where you fight the wolfos before you go into the maze to get to the sacred meadow. blow up the ground right in the middle of the area and defeat the 2 wolfos for 50 rupees!

To defeat the Iron Knuckles (those big armored guys in the spirit temple and Ganon's castle) easier, target them and launch a ton a Bombchu's at them (don't worry about wasting them because you only use them twice in the whole game.)

If you want to cheat in Talon's Super Cucco's game, before you start throw all the other cucco's in the corner behind Talon so they can't intermingle w/ the super cuccos when you start the game.

Help on Secrets
If you have the stone of agony and have been somewhere like Lake Hylia, Gerudo Fortress, Goron City, or Hyrule Field found a secret but don't know how to open it? Well, for most secrets, there are 3 possibilitys:
1. Use a bomb
2. Use the Megaton Hammer
3. Play the song of storms
This is really helpful to getting some Skulltulas, Heart Pieces, and Fairy Fountains. I hope this helps!
How to get the last small key in the water temple!
Many people, including myself are having trouble with the water temple. First, THERE IS NO SECRET ENTRANCE TO THE TEMPLE! Although it looks like there is a second entrance, there is not. To get the section where the last key is, Put out The dark link and get the longshot. Here is where most people mess up, behind the chest is a block in the floor. Play the song of time and drop down. That leads to the last key!
Defeat Dark Link In the Water Temple
When you reach his room head toward the tree and pass it. You'll notice that your reflection dissappeared. Go back to the tree and target dark link and put your shield up. He won't attack you for awhile but don't attack until he starts. (NEVER thrust at him because he'll jump on your sword and hit you.) Since he mimics your swings don't attack until he does. Push him into a corner w/ your shield and beat up on him because all he can do now is backflips. When he falls into the water he'll probably start behind you or near the tree. Target him again and push him into the corner and hit him again. He takes about 10 hits. When you defeat him he'll cough up 40 rupees and access to the longshot. I would stock up on fairies because he whopped my a** a couple times before, you'll get more fairies later in the temple so don't worry about dying a couple times.
5 Great Fairy Fountains

Din's Fire: When you reach Zora's Fountain, go to your right and you'll see an island with rocks and trees. Drop a bomb next to the rock on the wall.

Nayru's Love: Go to the Desert Colossus. Turn to your right and you should see two palm trees. Now plant a bomb on the wall between those trees (Navi will turn green indicating that there is something interesting here).

Magic Spin Slash: Get to the top of Death Mountain. Drop a bomb left to the entrance of the Crater.

Double Magic Meter: Play the Bolero of Fire and go across the bridge that leads to Darunia's chamber. Instead of going in there, turn to your left and break the rocks using your Megaton Hammer.

Double Defense: When going to Ganon's Castle turn to your left and you should see a huge rock. You can use the "Check" command there. Once you have the Gold Gauntlets you can lift up this rock to access a cave.

Deku Batball
If you have a few extra deku sticks then in dungeons w/ bats take one out and swing wild. They reach higher and farther than your sword which will help conserve deku seeds and your health.
Completing Adult Trading Game-before Forest Temple!
There is a way to get Biggoron's Sword WITHOUT even beating any Temple! All you need is Epona the horse (If you didn't learn Epona's Song as a kid, you will need to beat the Forest Temple first). I will number the steps below. Reminder:
1. All these steps are accomplished as an Adult!
2. when you have a timed trading object, the object will disapear if you try to use your songs to teleport from on place to another.
1. You begin the Adult Trading Game when you talk to the girl in Kakariko Village who is allergic to cuccos (the one you collected cuccos for as a kid) and you will recieve a Pocket Cucco who hasen't hatched yet.
2. Next, you have to wake the Pocket Cucco by waiting one full day (you can play the Sun Song) and bring it to Talon who you will find sleeping in one of the houses in Kakariko Village. Now that you have a "happy" cucco, return it to the lady that you recieved it from. You will now be given a a blue cucco named Cojiro.
3. Now take Cojiro to a man you find sleeping in the forest (he is sleeping beside the tree stump where you played Saria's Song) you will not speak to you. Wake him up with Cojiro, and he will give you an Odd Mushroom and tell you to give it to the old hag in the potion shop before it spoils.
4. Now you need to HURRY to Kakariko Village before the mushroom spoils. I suggest you take the shortcut to Goron City in the Lost Woods. When you arrive in Kakariko Village, go to the Medicine Shop (If you came from Goron City, it is the first shop on the left). In the Medicine Shop, you should notice that there are two exits to this room. Go to the left of the seller, and walk through the opposite exit of the one you came in. You should now find yourself in the middle of the large fences. Enter the door to the only other store you can go to, and you will find yourself in the Potion Shop. Hold out the Odd Mushroom to and she will give you the Odd Medicine and tell you to return it to the man in the Lost Woods. 5. Take the Odd Medicine to the girl in the Lost Woods where you once woke the sleeping man. she will give you the Poacher's Saw. (If you haven't done this already, go back into Goron City and blow up the goron rolling around the third level with a bomb. Talk to him and recieve the Goron Tunic. Now run down into Darunia's Chamber which is now open and pull back the statue. This is for a shortcut to Death Mountain Crater.) 6. This is the first time where you acctually have to use Epona (that is if you don't have the Longshot). Ride Epona to Gerudo Valley and make a full speed running jump (with Epona, of course) from one side of the broken bridge to the other (if you have the Longshot, you can shoot the signs hanging on the bridge to go from one side of the bridge to the other). Give the man near the tent on the other side of the bridge the Poacher's Saw, and he will give you Broken Goron Sword (you can't fight with it, though). 7. Now go to the very top of Death Mountain near the Great Fairy Fountain. Look around the wall until you see Biggoron, and walk near him to wake him up. Give him the Broken Goron Sword, and he will give you a Prescription for some eye drops. 8. If you have not unfrozen King Zora yet, buy a blue flame from the medicine shop (also, it costs 300 rupies, so if you don't have at least 30 gold skulltulas, you need to get blue fire from the ice cavern near where Jabu-Jabu was when you were a kid.). Then talk to him. After you are finished talking, give him the Prescription. He will hand you an Eyeball Frog. 9. You now need to HURRY to Lake Hylia. I suggest you jump down the frozen waterfall and climb up the latter. When out of Zora's Domain and in Zora's River, run downstream while in the water. In Hyrule Field, call Epona and ride her to Lake Hylia. With Epona, jump over the fences right before Lake Hylia for a fast entry. run into the scientist's labratory near where you came to Lake Hylia, and give him the Eyeball Frog. He will give you Eye Drops for Biggoron. 10. Now HURRY to Goron City. Take the shortcut to Death Mountain Crater through Darunia's Chamber. when you enter Death Mountain Crater, put on your Goron Tunic and turn right. cross over the full bridge and you should see a rock blocking you from jumping across a ledge. Jump across the ledge anyway (trust me, you can make it.) and climb up the ladder on your left. When you're up the latter, head right toward the exit. Now you will find yourself outside Death Mountain. Give the Eye Drops to Biggoron, and he will give you a Claim Check. 11. after three or four days (if you know the Sun Song, you can speed it up) show Biggoron the Claim Check, and he will give you the Biggoron Sword!!! YOU HAVE NOW RECIEVED THE BIGGORON SWORD BEFORE YOU HAVE EVEN COMPLETED THE FIRTS TEMPLE!!!

Gossip Stone Fun Gossip Stone Blast off Set a Bomb right next to a gossip stone and wait a second. Then it will turn blue a couple of times then it will turn red and it will launch off like a rocket! Unfortunately it will not come down. Flat Stones Take out your Megaton Hammer and Just Smash the Sucker! It will pop back up after a while.

Growing Fairies As young Link, after you have planted magic beans in the special soft soiled spots, you can play the Song of Storms to make the little sprouts grow into a tall stalk. As it grows three fairies will appear which you can either catch it in a bottle so it can revive you when you die or let it touch you so that it can refill your energy on the spot.

Hard To Reach Gold Skulltulas Some of the gold skulltulas are hard to reach after you have killed them. Once they have been killed, check and see if the wall that the skulltula was on is really a wall that you can climb. If it is not, you can use your boomerang or the hookshot to pull the gold skulltula towards yourself. If the gold skulltula is kind of low, you can try to hold Z and press A with your sword drawn which will make you jump up a bit or you can turn around and press Z and try to do a backflip which will also make you jump up a little higher.

Fairy Madness Whenever you see a gossip stone play Zelda's Lullaby, Epona's Song, or Song of Storms and a red fairy will appear. You can either catch it in a bottle so it can revive you when you die or let it touch you so that it can refill your energy on the spot.

Turn the Light Off on Shadow Link Is Shadow Link giving you a tough time? He won't anymore! An easy way to beat him is get the adult wallet from the Skulltula House in Kakariko Village. Then get 200 rupees and go to Goron City and into the smith place where the huge Goron is. He will give you a sword called the "Giants Knife" (mentioned in the instruction booklet) for your 200 rupees. Don't use it yet, though, because it will break easily. Go to the place in the Water Temple where Shadow Link is and Z TARGET HIM. Get your giants knife ready, of course! Now, when he gets close enough push UP on the control stick and B (To do a thrust). You will hit him almost every time! If your sword breaks halfway through the battle I found it best to side-swing at him (or if you get lucky you can do a power swing). This method is definitely the best for beating Shadow Link. If you enjoyed using the giant's knife you should consider getting Biggoron's Sword. But before you do, remember to get the LONGSHOT (In the Water Temple after you beat Shadow Link) first before you do anything. You can see how to get Biggoron's Sword in the Zelda codes section on

Another way to do this: It is easier to kill Shadow Link with the Megaton Hammer because he cannot mirror that attack. He will stay there like an idiot while your hurting him bad with the Hammer. So why waste 200 rupees on a cheap sword that ain't worth crap. Your better off using the Megaton Hammer than the Biggorn Sword!!

MEGA MONEY! To make lots of money FAST, go into the Lost Woods as an adult. Go to where the skull kid sits. The minute you approach him, he goes nuts and attacks. He's fast, but he stops to fire bullets out of his flute if you are in line of sight. Take advantage of this and hack into him with your sword. After you hit him about four times, he dies and gives you a huge rupee worth a whopping 200 RUPEES! Leave that sector fo the Lost Woods and then re enter and repeat to fill your wallet.

How to get the goron and zoran tunics for free! To get the goron tunic as adult Link free for the fire temple, go to goron city and go down to the third level. You will see a small goron rolling in a ball aronud that level. To stop it,place a bomb in front and blow him up. He will stop and you can talk to him. After a while,he will give you a free tunic and open the roomson the bottom level. To get the zoran tunic,go to zora's domain(which has completely frozen over)and go to zora's fountain. Hop on the ice bergs and enter the ice cavern. When inside fallow the rooms untile you get to the room with a torch that is burning blue flame(make sure you have an empty bottle!). Bottle the blue flame and go back to zora's domain. King zora is in a block of red ice, so use the blue flame to melt him and he gives you the Zoran tunic for save him.

Sinking Lure! You need to find it as a kid then an adult. As a kid it is located in the center near the floating log. As an adult you will find it near the little stream at the edge of the pond. You can use the sinking lure to catch bigger fish, to get the gold scale.

Money fill up After crossing the drawbridge leading from Hyrule Field to the Castle, there is a door on the right that contains many jars that contain rupees. These jars will regenerate if you leave and come back in, so you can get an easy fill up of money.

Save time and rupees In the 2nd dungeon level (Dodongo's Cavern) there are lots of fire bats flying around. Do NOT let them hit you if you have a Deku Shield out. They will burn it and you won't have any shield. They cannot burn the Hylian Shield though. After they hit you their fire goes out. If you don't have the shield and they hit you they take away about 1/2 of a heart. A good way to kill them is to shoot them with a slignshot from a distance. You can also kill them with a sword but it's very risky and you will probably get hit. I hope this helps some people!

How not to get sent back in the forest When you explore the tunnels in the forest you can get sent back to the start if you go the wrong way. To resolve this try going up to the next tunnel and walk very slow up to the black part. If a new room pops up then you can go ahead, if the tunnel stays black it will take you back to the start.
