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Here are the staff at my site and what job they do:
  1. Protoform V a.k.a. Ganon345 | Job: Site Manager
  2. *FoxY* a.k.a Princess Foxy | Job: Site Advertiser
  3. Kola | Job: Site editor
  4. Ponyta | Job: Site Advertiser
  5. NintendoFreak a.k.a. Samus | Job: Glitch Seeker
  6. Dann a.k.a Agnahim The Wizard | Job: Rumors Hunter
  7. EwokTeebo | Job: Story Writer

If u want any jobs on my site, then email me with your name, email, site adress(if u have one), and a paragraph(at least 5-20 lines)saying why you want to have a job.


  1. U must be a person that I or my staff members can trust.
  2. U must not mess anything up when I give you permission to go to the site editing page.
  3. U can't give me anything except for ZELDA 64 INFO.
  4. U WILL get credit for whatever you find and give to me.

  1. Story Writer. This job is a page where you control!! you have to do all of the stuff(You have to write stories) And you put up all of the stories that People have sent.
  2. Glitch Seeker. This job is the hardest well.... not actually THE hardest but you just have to look for Zelda Glitches.
  3. Code or cheats hunter. If u take this job, then you must search for codes or cheats ONLY.
  4. Rumors Hunter. If you take this job then you have to search for rumors ONLY.
  5. Site Advertiser. This job is the most easiest one of all, you just have to tell people about this site and come to it.
  6. Site editor. This is FOR PEOPLE I REALLY KNOW AND THAT I CAN TRUST. This job is well the hardest one of all, you have to do the same job as I do, you have to edit the site.

Those are all the jobs I could think of. Choose carefully!!