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Enemy descriptions and weakness's

Amy: An ugly green ghost. Third of the poe sisters. Use any weapon to defeat her.

Anubis: A mummy like thing that floats in the air. Vulnerable to fire. Use Dins fire or the fire arrow to defeat him.

Armos: A statue thing that bounces around. Vulnerable to explosions. Use any type of bomb to defeat him.

Baby Dodongo: A small snake like animal. Use anything to destroy it.

Beamos: A yellow robot thing with a rotating eye. us bombs to destroy it.

Beth: A blue ghost, one of the poe sisters. Use anything to destroy her.

Big Deku Baba: A huge plant with a blue top that looks like a Venus fly trap. Use anything to destroy it.

Big poe: A big ghost found in Hyrule field. You need epona the horse and an arrow to destroy it.

Biri: An electric jellyfish. Use anything to destroy it.

Big Skulltula: A big spider with a shull for it's head. Use your sword and slice it when it turns around.

Blue bubble: A blue flaming skull that flies around. Use your shield to guard against its flame and then slice it.

Blue Tektite: A blue spider thing that hops around and floats in the water. Get it out of the water and then use anything to destroy it.

Business scrub: A walking plant that sells you things.Use the Megaton hammer to get it out of the ground and talk to so you can buy something from it.

Dampes Ghost: A ghost of Dampe. Chase him around his grave and if your fast enough, he might give you his keepsake.

Deku Baba: THe same thing as a Big Deku Baba but smaller. Use anything to destroy it.

Deku scrub: Same thing as a business scrub but doesn't sell you anything. Use anything to destroy it.

Dinolfo: A lizard warrior. Use your shield to block him and then slash at him with your sword.

Dodongo: A small dinosaur thing that breathes fire. Use bombs or your sword to destroy it.

Fire Keese: A fire bat. Use anything to destroy it.

Floor Master: A walking hand. Use your sword to slash it and then it becomes three, kill it before the get big again.

Freezzard: An ice man. Use your sword to destroy it.

Gerudo Guard: A woman with two swords. Use your shield to block her and then use your sword to defeat her.

Gibdo: A walking mummy. Use anything to destroy it.

Ghoma egg: An egg that hangs in the ceiling somewhere in "Inside The Deku Tree" Level. Use anything destroy it.

Ghoma larvae: Just like Queen Ghoma, except smaller. Use anything to destroy it.

Gold Skulltula: Just like the skulltula, except it's smaller and looks its head is wierd looking. It stays in one place just spinning around. Use anything to destroy it.

Green Bubble: A green flaming skull. Slash at it with your sword when the green flame has been extinguished.

Ice Keese: A bat with blue flames on it. Use your bow or sword to destroy it before it freezes you.

Iron Knuckle: A big iron knight that has a HUGE ax. Use bombs or Bombchus to destroy it.

Joelle: An ugly red ghost. One of the poe sisters. Use your sword to defeat her.

Keese: A regular flying bat. Use your bow or sword to destroy it.

Leever: a Green grass thing that spins around while it walks. Use anything to destroy it.

Lizalfo: A lizard the size of a human. Use your shield to block him and your sword to defeat it.

Like Like: A giant worm thing that sucks up your special clothes and your special shields.(What i mean by special is the things that helps you. For example: Two of the special shields are: The hylian and the mirror shield. Two of the "special" tunics are: The Zora And Goron tunics.)Use bombs or your hookshot to destroy it.

Mad Scrub: Just like the ordinary scrub only it's red, And shoots deku nuts faster then the normal scrub. Use your shield to bounce the seeds back to it then slash at it with your sword.

Meg: An ugly purple ghost. Fourth of the poe sisters. Use anything to destroy it.

Moblin: Big bear like things with spears. Use your hookshot/longshot when it's back is turned.

Octorok: A purple sea animal the shoots things similar to what the scrub shoots out. Use your bow or longshot/hookshot to defeat it.

Peahat: Giant plant things with rotating Blades on the bottom. Use your slingshot to destroy it.

Poe: A ghost found in Hyrule field carrying a lamp and drops fire. Use arrows, hookshots/longshots, or swords to defeat it.

Composer Brothers: two ghost found near the the giant grave stone in the kakariko graveyard. Talk to them and they will tell you something about the "Sun's Song". Use Arrows, slingshot or boomerangs to defeat it.

Red Bubble: Found in The Fire Temple and any other place where it's hot and full of lava. Its just like the "Green Bubble" or "Blue Bubble". Just Slash away at it with your sword to defeat it.

Red Tektite: It's much like the Blue Tektite but its red. Use anything to defeat it.

Redead: A naked mummy that's slow and can be easily defeated. If you look straight at it, it will freeze you in place, then it'll scream and jump and suck the life out of you. Use the suns song to freeze it and then slash it's back with your sword.

Shabom: A floating bubble found in Jabu Jabu's Belly. Use the Boomerang instead of your sword to defeat it.

Shell Blade: A shell that opens it's mouth and then turns around and starts jumping towards you with the spiky side facing you. Use the longshot to hit the soft pink stuff inside it when it opens its mouth. Use your Sword to destroy it when it's on land.

Skullwalltula: A bid Spider(much like the gold skulltula)that lowers down on it's web when you get close to it. Slash it's back when it turns around.

Spike: A metal ball covered with spikes. Hit it with your sword and hit it again when it retracts it's spikes.

Stalfos Knight: A Skeleton with a shield and sword. Hit it with your sword when you see his shield go down a bit.

Stinger: A flying fish. If you get close to it, it will dive out of the water and hit you. Use your shield and hit it with your sword to defeat it.

Tailpasaran: This thing is found in Jabu Jabu's Belly. It's an electric claw that comes out of the ground and electrifies you. Run away or hit it with your sword or boomerang to defeat it.

Torch Slug: A slug with fire on it's back. Use the Megaton Hammer to flip it on it's back and keep slashing at it. If you don't have the Megaton Hammer, sneak up behind it and slash at it with your sword.

Wallmaster: This is just like the Floormaster, except it doesn't split into three. It is invisible cause it's on the ceiling and jumps down on you and throws you back to the beginning of the level. The only way you can Destroy it is wait for it to come down on you but jump or roll away before it catches you and then slash it with your sword, or you can do it the easy way, just run around until you get out of the room.

White Bubble: A flying skull with a tail of light behind it, slash at it when the light has dissapeared from it.

White Wolfos: A white wolf. Use your sword when it drops it's guard. Or slash his back when he jumps over you. Those are all the enemies in the game. I hope this helps you on defeating the enemy's!!