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A Tom Green Page

Welcome to my homepage! Hi i'm not going bother taking up your time and telling you life stories about me or make something up for me to sound kool or nothing like that I just made this page to dedicate it to the,funniest show on the face of this Earth!!! The Tom Green Show I just totally love his show, thats why I made this site. I'm still working on it, it's not much yet, but I hope to finish it soon. I'll include some Info. on myself later but as I said earlier this page is mainly going to be about The Tom Green Show!!! My main goal is to try and get Tom, Phil, or Glen to vist my site and sign my guest book.Dont forget to check some of the stuff I have... hope to see you soon, and if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or just to let me know your favorite Tom Green epsoide please let me know... my E-MAIL is the little MAIL BOX just click it, and if you have a chance SIGN my guest book, Dont forget to check out the CHAT it's listed under My Favorite Web Sites. Have fun!!!!!!!!

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