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Aplikace Mr. Lin(x)

Hotels and Hostels in General

Since the disorganisation of the communist regime millions of tourists have come to Prague. In 1995 alone there were 100.000.000 visitors. This enormous amount demands a well-founded hotel and hostel organisation. If you have comments (good or bad) to the place where you have stayed, we would very much like your comments on the information form, or you can send them to our addresses in respectively Czech Republic. This would be of great help to us, so we can improve our information service to following visitors.

All hotel and hostel prices includes breakfast, if nothing else is listed.

Hotel Categories
The categories is our own judgement and may differ from the official categories. We know from experience what kind of service each hotel can offer.

Student hotel
Youth hostel and other kinds of cheap accommodation. Usual several guests in one room or dormitory.

Category **
Nice and good hotels with simple facilities. The rooms usual have bath and toilet in the corridor, but it is also possible to get rooms with bath and toilet (apartment hotel).

Category ***
Good hotels with quite a lot of facilities and a high service level. Rooms with bath and toilet.

Category ****
Very good and luxurious hotels with many facilities and a high level of service. Rooms with private bath and toilet.

Category *****
Are among the best and most luxurious hotels in the city.

Prices are net, per person per night, breakfast included
Aplikace Mr. Lin(x)


Should you require any further information, don't hesitate to contact WTS - World Travel Services

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