The World of Josh.....
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The World of Josh.....

Welcome To My World!!!

hit the button for some background music

By recent demand, a new pic of the Man himself....This is Josh in a tux!

A recent change, any opinions?

Let me tell you a little bit about myself........

Well, I was born on August 3rd, 1976, meaning I just passed 25 years on this Earth. Man, it seems like only yesterday I was young, immature, and didn't really know as much as I thought I did....wait, it was yesterday.... Anyway, more about me. Both my Mother and Father are re-married, one to somebody named Sharon, one to somebody named Joe. Just to see how many people read this, I'll give a prize to the first person to e-mail me telling me which parent is married to which step-parent, the address is at the bottom of the page. So.......I have one sister, one half-sister, three step-brothers and one step-sister. Lots of birthdays to keep track of<G>.

At this time, I do have somebody special in my life....her name is Primrose, and I'm very lucky to have somebody like her around to keep me sane, otherwise, I might be a lot worse than I currently am<G>!

Prim's page

Some Pictures

Assorted pictures of my Family Members


I'm into a lot of things. I like any type of music.......except country. I'll also admit, with no embarrassment, that I'm a big fan of pro-wrestling. A major hobby of mine is collecting and trading tapes of wrestling events.I've made a few friends this way, and there's a link below to my trade page. I'm also into tattoos, with a page about that below as well. My other main hobby is collecting and trading Hard Rock Cafe pins. I've also made some great friends through the internet with this hobby. I may be a starving college student, but I always seem to find a few bucks to put towards new pins........

Links to my interests...and more!!

Tattoo's I want to get...and already have gotten

My list of wrestling tapes to trade

Click here for some really hot chicks......

A song lyric I find deep.......

A moment of silence.......

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