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6:30pm - 10:30pm
Welcome to the official Westfest 98' site.
What is Westfest?
Where is Westfest?
Contact the organisers
I don't speak English and need this page in french
The Westfest 98' lineup is:
L a v a   F l y
P l a t f o r m    III
A u t u m n
H e g e m o n y
T i l t    M e t e r
T h e    L i n t    R e m o v e r s
T h e    G r a v y    T r a i n
S i r    L u c i f e r

Westfest is a rock festival held annually in Williamstown, a  suburb in the 'western suburbs' (funny that). It is organised by a bunch of people who want people to hear good music without having to listen to James Hettifield just to hear the support band, or pay lots of money.  There  are  a wide range of musical styles explored; from the dark technical chunk of Sir Lucifer to the melodious Hegemony. The  Hall  the  'fest  is  held in costs money to hire, hence the $3 entrance fee and for that meager sum you will get 4 hours of musical utopia. For a review of WESTFEST 97' click here!

To get to westfest, do the following:

Catch the Williamstown line train to North Williamstown station. Get off, and walk down to the boom gates (and give your little brother to the troll), Turn left and walk straight past the roundabout, down the main street (Ferguson St) until you reach the town hall. 

Taken at the recent      
Yaraville International Rock Festival      
(click on the pictures for a larger version)      
Sir Lucifer and The Gravy Train

who can I contact (e-mail), I want to know more!

Maro Stijepic      =>Organiser

Tim Wallace      => Webmaster

Todd Watson    => Sir Lucifer band member

Jonno Stebbing  => High Preist Maestro Extrodenier Master of Proceedings

or you can ring:

Jonno (see above for offical title) (9399-9372)
Nick (9311-3049)
Daniel (9397-7242)