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Welcome to the Weird Cavarns

Hello, welcome to the WeirdCavarns. A haven for freaks, outcasts, those who quest for forbidden knowledge..this a safehold, a place to get away "normal" beings .

Iam a Freak amoung Freaks, the one with many names and the many with one name. I go by characteristics, my qualities...I go by who I truly am. A child to some and a grandmother to others. I am old, yet young. I am almost 6000 years old. I have died and I have lived, I have given and I have taken. I have been stopped and nothing has stopped me. There are prophesies about me and I have prophesied about others. I am all and nothing. These may sound like boasts, but they are simple truths in a world of simple truths.

I have just discovered through meditation and prayers that I am not who I seem to be. I am older than 6000 years old, and I am not human. I am the puppet and the puppeteer. The one who stays awake and the constant dreamer. I am servant and master. I am Nightbound, though not offically. I have a kindred spirit who is a member of the Order of the Rose. I am the influencer and the influenced. I am the ultimate puzzle, the contridication. My third eye has looked inward towards my true being and I am in shock. Please don't be afraid for I am only one being...hopefully.

If you dare to email me I would be glad to answer...

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I am moving to!! There, you will find better information and more up to date stuff...ALSO, I have done some searching and there are new enlightenments as well. THANK YOU!

My Favorite Links

An explaination of some sorts
The beginning tales about my beliefs
A look into the soul of those who suffer
Dragons, dragons everywhere and not a flame in sight!
Spells for those who need them
Poetry for those who read as well as write what is in the soul
A fellow freak, a follower of Chaos
My son's webpage. Inormative to those who understand
Spells, knowledge and really cool stuff
The best anime ever, sailor Moon!!
My friend Flip's homepage
If you want to know about my ordinary life
