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BULGARIA - Investment advises and trade offices

Would you like to invest in the BULGARIAN economy ?

Would you like to have your own trade office in BULGARIAN or in other East-European countries ?

Do you need market or financial studies relative to these countries ?

Please contact Miloslav VLAHOV at :

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work experience

other items


1996 - 1997

Post M.A. specialisation - Economic and Financial Appraisal of Projects - EFAP ( DESS "Ingénierie Economique et Financière" ) in the University of Montpellier I - France.

1995 - 1996

M.A. ( Maîtrise ) - Economics Science; EFAP in the University of Montpellier I Examens passed in Juin; (2.2)

1994 - 1995

DEGREE PASSED - Economics Science; EFAP in the University of Montpellier I Examens passed in Juin; (2.2)

1993 - 1994

Second year degree ( DEUG ) Economics Science in the University of Montpellier I Examens passed in Juin; (2.2)

1992 - 1993

First year degree ( DEUG ) Economics Science in the University of Montpellier I Examens passed in Juin; (2.1)

1991 - 1992

A levels - last year of secondary education in Sofia, Bulgaria; excellent ( A ).

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juin - october 1994

Cours organised by ADEME - France ( Agency of Environnement and Energy Efficiency ) for a "Comparative tecnical and economic study for the valorisation of the potential in Renewable Energies in Bulgaria".

september - october 1995

Cours organised by the "Conseil Général de L’Herault -France" - administratif department and VERSeau association consisting in "Economic Appraisal of projects relative to energy efficiency, in the region of Herault" in the main of APAS (EU) program.

janvier - juin 1996

Study provided in the main of M.A. dissertation and a cours organised by the "Conseil Général de L’Herault - France" and the VERSeau association for an "Economic Appraisal of a project for increasing the capacity of the electric production of a small hydropower plant" ( the mill "Bertrand"- Herault, France )

december 1996

Cours provided by BCEOM ( French Consultants ) on "Impacts of the new electric tarification on the Bulgarian Economy"

1996 - 1997

Works in the main of the PhD Economic and Financial Appraisal of Projetcs :

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* Diploma of European Economy "Jean Monnet"

* Price winner of maths in the University of Montpellier I for the Second year degree in Economics.

* Price winner of Macroeconomy in the University of Montpellier I for the Degree Passed in Economics.

* Works on data treatment - use of the softwears STAT.ITSF, STAT.LAB

* Windows 95, Microsoft Office97, Internet literate.

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