Umm... hi! Yeah, yeah I know the page hasn't been updated in zonks but I decided I should kinda like actually get it the way I want it!

Soooo once I get off my fat butt and decide to actually well remodel this page some MAJOR changes will be happening in PKH I'll list them here:

1) We will be expanding to support heeps more games including Quake, Diablo II, C&C: Red Alert/Tiberium Sun, Quake II and StarCraft.
2) As you already guessed I will be TOTALLY remodelling the page.
3) I changed me name 2 WhiteShadow
4) Unfortunately to keep up with the newly supported games I have been forced to change the name so that it actually in some way relates to the above games eg. Player Killer Hunters hardly has anything to do with RA :)
5) Changing location (webpage) 2 CrossWinds So ahh come back soon and you will find a link to our soon 2 be webpage!!!! Lat3r d00dz! WhiteShadow (aka Liam-of-Lance) PS I have nuthin to do with those WhiteShadow porno pages that is sum other l00zer who coppied my nick!