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Interview with



January 24, 1999.




CRIMSON MOON is a legendary name in the Black Metal underground scene from USA. Totally obscure, this band is one of the best American hordes... This interview was answered by Scorpios, the bassist/vocalist. Today, besides CRIMSON MOON, Scorpios is the one behind the 4 strings in other band, the well known ANCIENT.

1) Greetings! When CRIMSON MOON was formed and what's the current line-up?

SCORPIOS: CRIMSON MOON was formed around the fall of 1994. The current line-up has been the same since the begginning with the exception of our keyboardist who joined after the "To Embrace The Vampyric Blood" CD was release... So here is the line up:Crimson Moon
Scorpios - bass and vocals.
Noturnal Overlord - guitars and drum programming.
Blood Moon - keyboards and synthesizers.


2) How could you explain the band's name, "CRIMSON MOON"?

SCORPIOS: This can be interpreted in many ways... even from the bible when the moon turns to blood. However the symbol of a crimson moon represents Dreams, Blood and Magick.


3) About the debut-CD, "To Embrace The Vampyric Blood", are you satisfied with it? What's the main differences between it and the new album?

SCORPIOS: For the conditions we had to release this CD we are satisfied, we had to record in my apartment on a four track but for using a four track I have been told we have an incredible sound. We are still satisfied with the music as well. Our new material has matured and progressed a lot, we have gotten more into our own realm and style.


4) The band's logo looks like great and full of occult meanings. Could you explain what it represents?

SCORPIOS: I have written an essay that explains the CRIMSON MOON pentagram, I will attach it to the end of this interview. (Ed: The complete Scorpios' explanation of the Crimson Moon logo can be found here.)


5) CRIMSON MOON have performed shows?

SCORPIOS: No. We are waiting for the correct moment and opportunity. We would rather wait and do things right than perform the average, boring show.


6) You're now in ANCIENT too. How was your contact with them the first time and how occured the invitation to you play in the band? And are you a full-member or a session musician today?

SCORPIOS: I got in touch with Aphazel about 3-4 years ago, he recorded one of the guitar tracks on the song "Eye Of The Draconis" for us and we have been in contact ever since. The line up of ANCIENT has changed a lot the last 5 months. I started as playing as a session bassist on their tours last year and I have now been invited as a full-time member to record on their next album this Febuary. I still consider CRIMSON MOON my main band. ANCIENT is something that basically keeps me busy for now.


7) What's the main differences between ANCIENT and CRIMSON MOON in your opinion?

SCORPIOS: It would be easier to say what we have in common! These are two completely different bands with close to no similarities a all... maybe the only thing we have in common is that both bands have the members living in different parts of the world! Basically everything else from musical style to attitudes is much different between these bands though.


8) What about the new ANCIENT album? And are there tours already planned?

SCORPIOS: Well, I am doing some of the lyrics and music for the new ANCIENT album. The stuff I write will be more violent and raw, I can’t say what Aphazel’s music will sound like on this album though. I would like the band to return to the style of their first album “Svartalvheim” since I do not care for the last two albums nearly as much.Scorpios


9) Both bands, ANCIENT and CRIMSON MOON write lyrics about vampyrism and seems totally influenced by the theme. What fascinates you about this topic?

SCORPIOS: My lyrics in CRIMSON MOON are occult based and not from a horror movie or fiction book. Kaiaphas’ lyric’s (the ex-singer of ANCIENT) wrote ‘vampiric’ lyrics on "The Cainian Chronicle" album but all the lyrics were inspired from “The Book of Nod”, a book written for the role playing game “Masquerade”. The lyrics contain some mythological things such as the story of Lilith and Cain but still are far different than what my lyrics are about. ANCIENT is no longer using this ‘image’. For CRIMSON MOON it is not an image it is what we do and we will not change this because it is getting too trendy or too hated, etc. We do this for ourselves.


10) Do you like or is influenced by "vampyric" writers like Anne Rice or Bram Stocker?

SCORPIOS: Actually, I can’t stand reading any fiction, especially vampire novels. I read a lot but it is all on occult or mythology or dreaming. I am currently writing a book on the Occult, Dreaming and Astral Projection. You can see excerpts of this book here: (this will be posted by early february)


11) Is the Sumerian mythology a source of inspiration?

SCORPIOS: Very much so. I have studied the Myths, Magick and Lore of not only Sumerian but Babylonian mythology as well. When I say study I mean going further than just reading and practicing rituals from the Necronomicon. I have another ritual/acoustic project totally devoted to the Dieties of Sumeria/Babylonia called AKRABU.


12) What's your thoughts about the extremes Satanism/Christianity?

SCORPIOS: I would not call these extremes, they are actually very similiar in many ways and they both need each other to exist! Satanism is not what I am into. I have studied much about it but it is basically a Judeo-Christian mutation of a religion. I orefer to go back much further in history to seek information.


13) What's your opinion about Anton LaVey and the Church Of Satan? Do you know and/or agree with his phylosophy?

SCORPIOS: I know his philosophies, though if you read Ragnar Redbeard’s book “Might is Right” which came out much before LaVey was around, it is interesting to see how many of the same ideas LaVey had! I don’t consider his form of Satanism to be what I consider true Satanism. To me true Satanism is a form of Devil Worship, not psychology. The Church of Satan is not much different than any other church, perhaps a bit more honest. They still feed off their followers’ money.


14) What about the American Black Metal in your point of view?

SCORPIOS: I have been living in Europe for a year now and I have to admit I have heard nothing about any American Black Metal bands. When I was living in the U.S. my opinion was still not very high of American B.M. - There seems to be an abundance of lack of originality. Though ABSU was and still remains to be one of the best in my opinion, much better than a lot of the newer Norwegian bands!Scorpios & Nocturnal Overlord


15) And what's your fave bands?

SCORPIOS: Devil Doll, Sopor Aeturnus, Darkthrone, Abigor, Dead Can Dance, Manes (Nor), Zemial, Necromantia, older Emperor, Raison D’etre, Mayhem, King Diamond, Rush, Carpathian Forest, Limbonic Art, old Morbid Angel, Sadistic Intent, Therion, Vondur, Laibach, Das Ich, Atrocity, Evol, Incuvatu (Sicilian Black Metal... SUPREME!!!), I also like classic composers such as Orff, Ravel, Paganini, etc. etc.


16) For this year in the next months, what we can expect from CRIMSON MOON and ANCIENT?

SCORPIOS: ANCIENT will record their new album and should be finished in March. CRIMSON MOON will record "Under the Serpentine Spell" as soon as we find a label and have everything arrranged.


17) Any final comments/exclamations/summonings?

SCORPIOS: May Chaos Reign.... See the CRIMSON MOON wesbite!!!! And contact Nocturnal Overlord for merchandise (shirts, longsleeves, cd’s stickers, new promo tape, etc). Infernal hails for this interview and support... keep the flame scorching!!!!!!




Snail Mail:

9144 Wintergardens Blvd.
Lakeside, CA 92040




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