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Okie i suspose you want to know a bit about me. Well My name is Adam and i was born on the 30th of July 1977. I'm a Leo Snake and proud of it. I live in Australia, Queensland, Brisbane. It's great here *well i think so* I've never been out of Brisbane so i don't really know what it is like anywhere else. I have friends from many places, from what they tell me this is the place to be. I think myself lucky for growing up in such a calm and relaxing land.

Still want to know moreż Okie dokie then i'll tell you what i do for fun ~S~ I go clubbing alot, i try to only go once a weekend but i usually get invited out more than that *G* I like going to the gym, I help my Dad in the garden on the weekends along with my lil Sis, I chat on the net often *i get 4hrs per day and i end up using all the time* my dad gets pissy with me when he wants to go on line and there's no time left Hehehe. I chat on the phone other times and hang out with my friends.

There isn't really much else to tell you. If you'd like to know more just ask. I'm on ICQ so just e-mial me and ask for my number if you would like to chat :)

This is my fist attempt at making a home page and as you can see it is way under construction. In due time it will improve as long as i get time. Take care and god bless :)




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