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I'm Thin, Not Anorexic!

Please upload one or more of these to your page and link them back to Because we really need your support!
This is basically saying that for those of us whom are naturally thin, NOT anorexic, and That it hurts to be called anorexic, and that you should stop!

Requirements to join

  • You're thin, and can't do anything about it
  • Not anorexic
  • be sick of being called anorexic
  • want to join to make this stop

When you've done this, email Jade, and she'll add you to the list of supporters! We have about 50 supporters so far!

Want to read some more on this topic? Thin Not Anorexic stories, here and here are the words of two girls personal experiences with this label. Read them!
send Beth other URLs of peoples storys of being thin, not anorexic!

Hey we updated! Look, our counter also went past 2000! But who's counting, right?