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Welcome To "A Helping Hand"

      This Social Study resource contains many useful activities, lesson plans and general classroom tips. They have come in large part from the internet and related Social Studies sites. All of the material is copyright free (some of it is my own) and has been modified for use in the Canadian classroom. Please feel free to copy and use any part of this resource for your own personal files. I would appreciate an E-mail ( if you find something particularly useful or if you just wish to comment on the site.


     This work represents many hours of Internet searching, modification, adaptation, development and word processing (not to mention the time to convert the entire work to HTML). Please use whatever you find useful; however, I would ask that you not use any portion of this work for commercial gain. If you find the resource useful and want to add it to your own site (all or in part) please place a link to this original page. I would be glad to include any Social Studies lesson plans/activities that you might like to add to this collection (Proper credit will be given). Do not forget, the life of a teacher is a busy one and if we take the time to share our resources everyone's life will be that much easier.


     There a few printed copies of this resource around (Saint Francis Xavier Resource Centre, Breton Education Centre and Glace Bay High); however, I hope to make the original Word documents available as a download soon (This will allow you to make easy modifications for individual class and teacher preference). Until then, just print a copy from the net of whatever catches your fancy.

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