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Effective Speaking In A Debate





    1. Understand the frustration of wanting to speak yet being afraid to speak.
    2. Define stage fright.
    3. Realize that the fear of speaking is natural and even helpful.
    4. List common stage fright symptoms.
    5. Recall their own experiences with stage fright.
    6. Recognize their speaker strengths and weaknesses.
    7. Develop ways to control and direct their fear of speaking.

 RESOURCES/MATERIALS: Tape recorder and video camera


  1.   During class discussion, define and explain stage fright usingspecific examples. ( Vocal pauses,   shaking limbs, dry mouth,voice volume too soft or loud, rate of speaking too fast or slow, shifty eye   contact, monotone delivery, slouched poise, awkward gestures, body swaying etc. ) 
  2. Have the students recall and list their own experiences with stage fright.
  3. Share these written experiences verbally with the entire class. 
  4. A. Divide the class into groups with a combination of advanced and novice debaters in each group.

          B. Give them each a list of 3 groups of impromptu topics.

Examples - Concrete words - Xmas tree, plane, skates

- Abstract words - sorrow, joy, hope

- Quotations


         C. The students will pick a word and take turns speaking about that word in front of their small group.

          D. They will do this 3 times with one concrete word, abstract word and quotation.

          F. The beginning speakers should list on paper their speaker strengths and weaknesses and                            suggestions for improvement.


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